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– UN ReportEconomic development, social stability and citizen security must find ways to evolve the role of security personnel into one, whereby the rights of all people are protected and defended, according to a recently released Caribbean Development Report 2012.This means, the report noted, that the security agency must transition from a state security-oriented force to a citizen-oriented force. This type of force should include professional managers, a personnel system that makes the force representative of the population it has sworn to serve, and a standardized method so that citizens can share their grievances with police, and it must include officers who see their first duty as loyalty to their countrymen and the rule of law, not the state or its political leaders.It was further disclosed in the report that a democratic police force must take place in the minds of citizens. Citizens must begin to perceive changes in the police function and, more importantly, must experience for themselves treatment by police officers that is respectful of their rights, courteous and fair.“Citizens have to believe that laws are enforced equally among all citizens, regardless of social status,Wholesale Jerseys Free Shipping, and that the police are responsive to their needs and will use only appropriate force to ensure a safe society.” The report cited “Citizens must resist the urge to allow or encourage the state to implement draconian laws that limit human and civil rights in a misguided attempt to control the responsibility of helping to produce their own security by becoming co-producers of safety and crime control alongside the police.”Underscoring the focus on police-citizen relations and citizen cooperation with the police,Cheap NFL Jerseys, the report gave three principles,Authentic Jerseys Cheap, as follows: (1) citizens co-produce security in cooperation with the police,Cheap Jerseys, (2) police function as problem solvers, and (3) the police and the populace jointly seek organizational changes in the police and in neighbourhoods that will improve crime prevention and control.The Caribbean Human Development Report 2012 further stated that community policing is a philosophy rather than a rigid set of requirements, and police agencies are expected and encouraged to apply the philosophy in ways that meet the specific, self-defined needs of the public. The underlying philosophy also implies a commitment on the part of the police to serve as a catalyst for local change through outreach,Cheap NFL Jerseys, organizational initiatives and educational efforts that reflect citizen input and concerns. “Community policing entails a commitment on the part of the police to greater responsiveness and accessibility to citizens.”It was recommended that one of the major barriers to the adoption of more effective and efficient crime control methods and the meaningful inclusion of citizens in police operations is corruption.“Corruption is particularly devastating to crime prevention and control efforts because of the detrimental effect that it has on citizen perceptions and subsequent actions…corruption has the effect of weakening the values-based moral authority of the police abuses of power that take the form of a disregard for the rights of citizens. Then, this tends to have an equal or even greater negative effect on this dimension of the legitimacy of the police. In this area, there is considerable variation in the performance of Caribbean police forces. In the countries with high rates of violent crime,Wholesale Nike NFL Jerseys, the abuses of citizen rights and, particularly, extrajudicial killings tend to be more frequent than in countries with lower homicide rates,Wholesale Jerseys Free Shipping,” the report stated.

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