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發表於 2017-11-21 12:34:10 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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The Guyana Reading and Research Centre would be celebrating its 13 th anniversary this month and as part of the celebrations it would be providing books and library services to the public.Director of the Reading and Research Centre,Cheap Jerseys, Rupert Hopkinson, said that he decided to show his appreciation for the support the centre has received over the years. As part of the anniversary celebrations the centre would be donating more than 4,Cheap Jerseys Free Shipping,000 books—one book for each day the centre has been in existence.Hopkinson said that Reading and Research Centre opened its doors in December 1996. The library services began on January 2, 1997 at D’Andrade Street and Vlissengen Road with a collection of 15,000 books. He said at present with the arrival of about 10,China Cheap Jerseys,000 books,Cheap Jerseys, the month’s collection has grown to about 180,Jerseys NFL Wholesale,000.He said that a massive book sale would start from December 11 to December 23, where every customer will get a book, regardless of the amount of purchase.Hopkinson said that until December every purchase of more than $3000 worth of books will be guaranteed three free books. He said that while the larger purchases will attract the better selections no purchase would be necessary to receive older books free. He also said that customers could make use of the GRRC “happy hour” when all books would be 30 percent to 90 percent off the regular price.The centre has also introduced a “read and return” system which allows students to purchase books and use them for the semester and then return the book for 50 percent credit to purchase other books.  He explained that the system would be helpful to students who cannot afford to buy the required books every semester or those who simply wish to use the books only during a particular semester.Hopkinson said that for every purchase of $4,500 during the sale in December, customers would receive what is known as the “Director’s special”. He also said that additional gifts would be given would continue throughout the Christmas season and they would value in excess of $5 million.The centre,Jerseys From China, which is located at 179 Waterloo Street,NFL Jerseys From China, opens from 9:00 to 17:00hrs daily Monday to Saturday.

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