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發表於 2017-11-25 21:15:30 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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The Police Public Relations Office at Eve Leary, Georgetown in response to an article published in the Kaieteur News on Thursday under the caption, “Police offer no help to drowning man – La Penitence residents say” stated that “about 18:40hrs on November 26, a female resident of the East La Penitence Squatting Area reported to the police at the East La Penitence Police Station that an unidentified man of East Indian descent was in the canal south of the station and shouting for “help”.The police said that several police ranks, including a Subordinate Officer responded. With the use of flashlights, as it was dark, and assistance from residents of the community who were met at the scene, the police made efforts to locate the man in the canal.“However, their efforts were unsuccessful, even though a member of the community also went into the canal and carried out a search.”The body was recovered about 07: 00h on Friday.However, residents of the nearby squatting area said that alarms were raised around 6:00 am. A little girl was the first to see the floating body from her bedroom window. She then turned to her sister exclaiming, “That’s not the man?”Anne, the little girl’s mother, said that the body was face down in the water and when she turned him over his face appeared to be beaten in. She said that they reported the matter to the police station and that the police came down to investigate the situation around 8:30hrs.A farmer said,Air Max 97 Silver Bullet Mens, “It look like someone beat he. I hear the man go fah rob a man, and the man get vex and throw he on the concrete and he ‘black out’. Then I hear he drag the body to the trench and leff he there.  Residents told Kaieteur News that when the man regained consciousness he stumbled and fell in the trench.When asked why no one offered to help the man, the unanimous response was, “We couldn’t do nun; he de done go under.”Kaieteur News understands that one of the residents who helped to uncover the remains of the drowned man was his uncle who said that the dead man’s name was Toolsie, and that he came looking for him when he realized that he was missing from the East La Penitence ‘Night Shelter’ across the street.An orderly from the Night Shelter told Kaieteur News that they have yet to see the body and therefore cannot confirm if he is indeed one of their residents.

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