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發表於 2017-11-30 01:45:43 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Miller shoved tackle Jeremy Parnell into quarterback Blake Bortles, forcing the ball free . Linebacker Shane Ray recovered the fumble at the Jaguars 29 with 1:27 remaining.
The Broncos lead the league with three dozen sacks but their opponent Sunday, the Tennessee Titans (6-6) have allowed just half that total.
What separates him from the likes of Khalil Mack of the Raiders is that Miller faces constant waves of blockers, a sign of respect for his talents.
The NFL did just that and the league belatedly credited Miller with a strip-sack this week, which boosted his league-leading sack total to 13 1/2.
Superstars get this kind of treatment.
"I really don't pay any mind to it," Miller said. "LeBron James, they triple-team him and Steph Curry and Klay Matthews. I'm not looking for respect. I'm trying to make plays. It is what it is. I'm trying to ruin the game and they don't want me to do it."
"I want to make plays. I'm not looking for respect," Miller cracked. "I'm trying to make plays. It's frustrating, but I never get caught up into it. I just try to get the opportunities that I do get. I need to make it happen. I beat myself up about this because when I first came into the league nobody was really chipping me like that and my second year nobody was chipping me. I should have been taking advantage of those opportunities."
"I've never seen a guy double-teamed as much as he was last game," Denver defensive coordinator Wade Phillips said Thursday. "It was phenomenal. I was talking to their coaches after the game and they said that they weren't going to let him be the difference — he WAS the difference. That tells you how good he is.
Miller also shoved tackle Kelvin Beachum into Bortles on Bradley Roby's pick-6 in the third quarter,Wholesale Jerseys Online.
Like few ever have.
So, the Broncos' star pass rusher shrugged it off when the NFL failed to credit him with a sack last weekend that sealed Denver's 20-10 win at Jacksonville.
ENGLEWOOD, Colo. (AP) — Von Miller won't complain to the officials when he's getting grabbed,Wholesale NFL Jerseys, mugged or slugged on just about every snap these days. He won't lobby for statistics,Cheap Jerseys From China, either.
"Every year at the beginning of the year, Coach, he has everybody stand up: 'What's your name? What's your position?' And every year I stand up: 'I'm Von Miller and I play defense.' "

"You've got to understand what my role is," Miller said. "It's not just rushing the passer. It's not just the run game. It's not just dropping in coverage and covering tight ends. My job is to make plays — make big plays — for my team. However I can make them: strip the ball, sacks, tackle for loss, PBUs (pass breakups), however I can get them, that is my responsibility.
"I had already put it to bed on Monday. I wasn't going to beat myself up about it," Miller said. "We won the game. When you turn on the film, you'll be able to see what exactly happened."
"They double-teamed him every pass play, at least two guys and sometimes three. He's an amazing player."
Miller forced two turnovers in the game despite constant attention from the Jaguars,DeVante Parker Dolphins Jersey.
Miller has followed up his Super Bowl MVP performance and record-breaking contract with another stellar season that has him as a favorite to win the league's Defensive Player of the Year award,Cheap Adidas NHL Jerseys.
Miller said his role doesn't change against a team such as the Titans who are committed to establishing a ground game behind their excellent backfield of DeMarco Murray and Derrick Henry and mobile QB Marcus Mariota.

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