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Cheap NFL Jerseys China “If you don’t like Black people









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發表於 2017-12-4 04:12:55 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Up to late last night investigators were carefully examining surveillance footage of the scene of Tuesday night’s assassination of activist Courtney Crum-Ewing.Detectives are hoping that the video can shed some light on who the perpetrators are.Police in a statement on the night of the shooting had stated that Crum-Ewing was accosted by four men in a car, one of whom discharged several rounds hitting him about his body.So far police are working on trying to identify the car that was used in the attack.“We were given a licence number but when we checked with the GRA, it did not match the description of the car that was used,” a senior police official told this newspaper yesterday.“Earlier (Wednesday) we looked at one tape but we did not get anything concrete,Wholesale Authentic Jerseys, we are checking another tape to see what we can get out of it,Cheap Jerseys From China,” the official added.Detectives have also recovered four spent .32 shells from the scene of the crime and are carrying out ballistics tests to try to establish a link to the weapon that was used.According to reports,Wholesale Authentic Jerseys, Crum-Ewing was using his bull horn in the Diamond Housing Scheme when he was confronted by the men in the car.During the confrontation,Harvard Crimson Jerseys, Crum-Ewing came under fire and decided to run hoping to evade the bullets.However he was unsuccessful. This newspaper learnt that after he fell one of his attackers stood over him and pumped a few more bullets into his body.Eyewitnesses said that Crum-Ewing walked past a car using his bull horn to say, “If you don’t like Black people, vote for Nagamootoo;  if you don’t like Indians, vote for Granger.”The call must have incensed his shooter because they came out of the car. Crum-Ewing a former national athlete, decided to run. The eyewitness said that he was caught in the bright lights. He ran to the end of the street only to be cornered by another vehicle.The community was suspicious at the fast arrival of the police prompting some to conclude that the police might have been involved,Cheap NFL Jerseys, somehow,nfl jerseys china, in Crum-Ewing’s death.

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