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Cheap Soccer Jerseys to rousing applause









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發表於 2017-12-7 18:04:31 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式
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“I will not succumb to the critics and blame the army and the police for everything”-President Jagdeo(By Mondale Smith)Commander-in-Chief of the armed forces President Bharrat Jagdeo serving some of the ordinary Ranks after announcing the one month Christmas bonus for the disciplined forcesCelebratory applauses and jubilation abounded yesterday when President Bharrat Jagdeo’s announced, “You are going to get your bonus this year” in the gymnasium of the Guyana Defence Force Base Camp Ayanganna.The occasion was the Guyana Defence Force’s annual Soldiers’ Day lunch, an occasion at which senior ranks served the other ranks and took orders from them for the day.“I will give instructions to the Minister of Finance to ensure that you get the money before Christmas,” and this evoked even more celebration and shouts of “money, money, money” from the excited soldiers however,Pat Tillman Cardinals Throwback Jersey, the Commander-in-Chief said that as the Disciplined Forces continue to work to rebuild their public image some isolated acts committed earlier this year have left much tarnished on the institutions they represented but they do not reflect the total picture of the security forces.The President told soldiers that there were and will be transgressions in the Discipline Forces but warned that whenever these occur he will ensure that they are dealtwith.He also categorically stated,Cheap Authentic NFL Jerseys, to rousing applause,Cheap NFL Jerseys China, “I will not succumb to the critics and blame the army and the police for everything.”Following the announcement the mood became even more festive.Standing up for the Disciplined Forces, the President expressed disappointment at the hasty generalization of all the institutions by some “smart” people and said that efforts will continue to rid the ranks of unsavoury elements.He advised ranks to individually and collectively bring back the pride of place and respect that the military and paramilitary uniforms once had through their dedication and commitment to standing orders and self-development.The Commander-in-chief also encouraged ranks to become au fait with current affairs and use all opportunities provided by the disciplined services to better the Forces’ image and at the same time develop themselves to contribute positively to life in the military and there after.As he had done over the past two years the President encouraged that there must be a linkage between performance and remuneration. President Jagdeo also reiterated his call for the security forces to professionally execute their duties with dignity, character,Wholesale Jerseys Free Shipping, strong values and respect for human rights and discipline.Chiding the naysayer who often criticise police and soldiers,Wholesale NFL Jerseys China, the President said time should be taken to recognise that often times it’s these ranks who stand between the populace and the destructive forces that threaten national and civil security.Looking to 2010 the President told ranks that Commodore Gary Best,Cheap NFL Jerseys China, Chief-of-Staff would create opportunities for ranks to build on their knowledge base beyond the horizons of the military.

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