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Laurent Koscielny Arsenal Jersey UK









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發表於 2017-12-10 13:21:26 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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"I don't think that's going to be a surprise like oh my God they're in the game at the same time," Kelly said.
While he's not the first kick returner,cheap jerseys, despite the fact it was his kickoff return in last year's wild-card game that set up the Saints' winning field goal against the Eagles, he will be the top punt returner.
"A lot of it will depend on the flow of the game," he said. "But as long as I'm in space, I'll be fine. There are a lot of weapons on this team. I think it's going to be a fun year."
Sproles isn't sure what's going to happen, starting Sunday, either. He's ready for anything.
There will be times when Sproles and McCoy are on the field at the same time, which will make things even more interesting for defensive coordinators.
"That kickoff return should have been a touchdown, too," Sproles said.
In his first game with the New Orleans Saints in 2011 after leaving San Diego as a free agent, Sproles ran for 75 yards,Wholesale Authentic Jerseys, returned a punt 72 yards for a touchdown and had a 57-yard kickoff return that set up another touchdown in an opening-night loss in Green Bay.
PHILADELPHIA (AP) — Philadelphia's new running back, Darren Sproles, remembers the last time he played his first game for a new team — a fairly special performance.
Sproles,China Jerseys Cheap, who turned 31 in June just after arriving from New Orleans for a fifth-round draft pick, will be used in a variety of ways by Kelly in the Eagles' versatile, multi-faceted offense.
"God bless him. He is hard to cover out of the backfield," Eagles defensive coordinator Bill Davis said of Sproles. "And you are very aware as a defensive signal caller who is matched up against him in your man coverages."
"He's a dynamic player as a running back or a returner," Kelly said before Thursday's practice. "I don't know if any of you guys play fantasy football,Adidas Mike Ribeiro Jersey, but if someone said 'Hey,NFL Jerseys Wholesale, you have a chance to get Darren Sproles,' I'm in. We had a chance to get Sproles. We believed he was a dynamic football player and had seen him firsthand."
"He can be a first down guy, second down, third down, fourth down, special teams. He's a weapon whenever he's on the field," Eagles offensive coordinator Pat Shurmur said. "We're handing him the ball, throwing him the ball. We'll use him every which way we can."
NOTES: Rookie cornerback Jaylen Watkins, who had been out all week with a hamstring injury, returned to practice Thursday. Rookie wide receiver Josh Huff (shoulder) and backup offensive lineman Matt Tobin (ankle) remain out and will likely miss Sunday's game.
Other than the loss,Cheap Jerseys Online, coach Chip Kelly and the Eagles would settle for the same kind of production from their new backup running back and returner when they host the Jacksonville Jaguars in Sunday's season opener.
In his final two seasons with the Saints, Sproles caught more passes (146) than he had carries (101). Playing behind the league's leading rusher in LeSean McCoy, Sproles could be used in that same kind of role for the Eagles.

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