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"Of Mind - Nocturne",Authentic Enes Kanter Thunder Jersey, a brand new song from the U.K. progressive rock band TESSERACT, can be streamed using the SoundCloud widget below. The track comes off the group's second full-length album, "Altered State", which will be released on May 27 throughout Europe and May 28 in North America via Century Media Records. Divided into four movements — Of Matter, Of Mind,Bojan Bogdanovic Nets Swingman Jersey, Of Reality and Of Energy — "Altered State",Authentic Kevin Love Cavaliers Jersey, in its purest form, is about the transformations the band has gone through over the past few years. Comments TESSERACT: "The concept behind the presentation of 'Altered State' is very simple. It is about change, and how life is change. We have been through a very difficult period of time over the last few years. It is a miracle that the band has survived. I feel it is the ability to step back and see everything for what it is (hence the 'Perspective' EP) that has allowed us to get on with life and try to enjoy it. Reality is change." "Altered State" track listing: 01. Of Matter - Proxy02. Of Matter - Retrospect03. Of Matter - Resist04. Of Mind - Nocturne05. Of Mind - Exile06. Of Reality - Eclipse07. Of Reality - Palingenisis08. Of Reality - Calabi-Yau09. Of Energy - Singularity10. Of Energy - Embers "Altered State" was produced,Authentic Michael Jordan Bulls Jersey, mixed, mastered and engineered by TESSERACT guitarist Acle Kahney,Kyrie Irving Cavaliers Jersey, assisted by bassist Amos Williams at Acle's 4D Sounds studio, and marks the first full release with new vocalist Ashe O'Hara following the departure of American vocalist Elliot Coleman (OMNOM,Authentic Dwight Howard Hawks Jersey, SKY EATS AIRPLANE, ZELLIACK) in June 2012. "The new album has shaped up to be something of an evolution for TESSERACT,Kyle Korver Hawks Jersey," TESSERACT bassist Amos Williams told ThrashHits.com. "Obviously, there's the new voice, which is exciting for us to work with. Ashe brings such an intense level of emotion to the table, it feels as if we have added another dimension to the music. We've also travelled so much and met so many incredible and inspiring musicians since the first album. This has had a huge impact upon our songwriting."He continued: "Also, we now enjoy playing with dynamics and instrumentation. This came from releasing an acoustic EP last year. We're no longer afraid to mix things up or stray from the expected path, which we feel we did with our first album. That was in the box, whilst this album is way out there for us. Don't be afraid, though — whilst it has evolved, our music is still somehow TESSERACT. It's like there is something just beneath the surface of everything we do, that shapes all we produce into a distinctly TESSERACT-ish form."Hailing from Northampton,Kentavious Caldwell-Pope Pistons Jersey, Ashe spent his early years singing in many different groups, from choirs to musical theatre, and has more recently been involved with a number of ambient/alternative metal projects in addition to doing session work. Ashe currently resides in Hove, East Sussex.

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