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By Sharmain CornetteDivision continues to persist among unions in Guyana, a situation, which was once again evident when workers accompanied by their union leaders, opted to branch off to different destinations to participate in separate Labour Day Rallies for the third consecutive year.Although they marched as one for the most part, the separation as usual was initiated at the corner of Woolford Avenue and Albert Street in the city.At that junction, the unions under the umbrella of the Guyana Trade Union Congress (GTUC) diverted to the Critchlow Labour College and those under the Federation of Independence Trade Unions of Guyana (FITUG) continued to the National Park.Although sheltered under the umbrella of FITUG,Cheap Jerseys From China, the Clerical and Commercial Workers Union, as promised, did not join their counterparts, effectively boycotting the event.Tramping to the popular tune ‘Radika’,Cheap Jerseys Supply, the FITUG contingent gyrated to the National Park tarmac for their rally, which was held under the theme ‘Representing Labour’s Response to Global Challenges’.Accordingly, the speakers, among whom were President of the Guyana Agricultural Workers’ Union (GAWU), Komal Chand, and General Secretary of the Guyana Labour Union and President of FITUG, Carvil Duncan,cheap nfl jerseys, did not fail to address the current economic crisis.Additionally, the speakers did not fall short in their quest to emphasise the urgent need for unity and peace among all unions.Chand, in his address said that there is need for unity among workers and their union. He said, “It is sad that the GTUC and FITUG have been unable to reconcile their differences thus far.” FITUG has been very supportive to have the two bodies united, he added.According to the GAWU President, full support has been given to Sir Leroy Trotman, General Secretary of the powerful Barbados Workers Union (BWU), who acted as a mediator towards reuniting the movement.He said that it was “unfortunate that Sir Leroy’s efforts have not been fruitful so far. He further mentioned that it is sad that support from the GTUC, if any,Wholesale NFL Jerseys, was not encouraging and could not lead to reunification, he said.He speculated that the GTUC itself appears to be divided as could be gauged from its President and the General Secretary.Chand, however, warned that it is time for unions affiliated to the GTUC to take note and stock of what is taking place in their own leadership in the interest of their members. He added that they might want to consider collaboration with the unions of FITUG to reunite and reinvigorate the trade union movement of Guyana.And since some 34,000 workers are represented under FITUG and the GTUC represents about 15,000, Chand articulated that a unified body will not only speak on behalf of a large number of workers but with one voice in Guyana and the world.Duncan alluded to the fact that Guyana has the skills, ability and necessary human resources to successfully combat any crisis.He said that the issue of trust among social partners is yet lacking.“This is an opportune time,NFL Jerseys Supply, more than ever before, during which we can bury differences and work towards taking Guyana successfully out of this crisis. History will not treat us kindly if we fail to use this period wisely.”And even as he prepares to leave the FITUG presidency in the third quarter of this year, Duncan related that he would endeavour to advance the cause of trade unity.“I will demit office…with a bleeding heart, knowing that FITUG is decisively stronger than the GTUC in terms of membership, in terms of the strategic sectors we represent in this economy; and some unions in FITUG are economically stronger than the entire GTUC put together.”Duncan noted the time has come for the trade union movement to seize the opportunity to reach out to non-unionised workers and bring them into the fold rather than concentrate on poaching.He insisted that the strength unions get by virtue of increasing membership will enable them to be in an advantageous position in negotiating,Cheap MLB Jerseys, with a view of gaining increased membership and helping to improve the standard of workers’ living.The near three-hour long rally was not without its cultural presentations. President Bharrat Jagdeo,Wholesale Jerseys From China, Prime Minister Samuel Hinds, Presidential Adviser Nanda Gopaul, and Minister in the Ministry of Health Dr. Bheri Ramsarran, were among those in attendance.A moment of silence was also held to commemorate the life of recently deceased former President Janet Jagan, who championed the rights of workers as well as for those workers who passed away since May Day last year.

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