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發表於 2017-12-12 15:26:38 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Jewan Gangawattie, a/k Rakesh, of Lima Village,Wholesale China Jerseys, Essequibo Coast, who was involved in an accident on the Richmond Public Road, on Saturday October 24, last,  remains critical at the Georgetown Public Hospital where he is now a patient.On Wednesday last,Cheap NFL Jerseys Wholesale, Gangawattie, 32, had to be air-dashed to the Georgetown Public Hospital after doctors at the Suddie Public Hospital, where he was first admitted as a patient, battled furiously to save his live.The man sustained serious injuries to the head and both shoulders.Perm Singh, Jewan’s father, said that his son sustained two deep cuts to his forehead and the back of his head.According to a Police Report, Jewan Gangawattie was walking on the Richmond Public Road in the company of five others when he was struck from behind by a car that was heading north. He was knocked unconscious and had to be rushed to the Suddie Public Hospital by his friends.According to a police report, Seemangal, the driver who was involved in the accident,NFL Jerseys China, went home after knocking down the fisherman and reported the incident to his father Roopnarine Seemangal.The father took the damaged car to a body repair shop at Columbia to replace the windscreen, rearview mirror, sun visor and sprayed over the damaged vehicle.These repairs were done on the vehicle the said night but the refurbished vehicle was recovered and seized from a private hire car driver at La Belle Alliance.This later led to the arrest of both father and son who are said to be co-operating with the Police. They were later released on $50,000 bail each.– street lights soon for West Coast Demerara A large number of roads signs, which cost the Guyana Government millions of dollars, have either been stolen or destroyed.According to Minister of Public Works and Communication, Robeson Benn, the matter is now engaging the attention of his ministry.While some of the signs would have fallen victim to the weather and accidents, there have been cases where they were stolen to be sold as scrap metal.According to Benn on Friday,Wholesale Jerseys China, the situation is hampering the programme of the Ministry to make the roadways safer.Asked how many signs would have been removed,Alexander Mogilny Jersey, the Minister estimated half of the signs.So far, in addition to the signs, the government has installed street lights along the East Bank Demerara, East Coast Demerara and Berbice.Almost two years ago, traffic lights were also installed in Georgetown, on the East Coast and parts of the East Bank.Earlier last week, some $15M was approved for traffic lights installation at the heavily congested New Diamond Housing Scheme,Wholesale China Jerseys, East Bank Demerara.Recently also, almost $58M was approved to install street lights from Vreed-en-Hoop to Parika, West Coast Demerara.Almost 360 road lights will be installed between the two locations.

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