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Jean-Sebastien Giguere and lends to the overall appeal of a product.Yes









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發表於 2017-12-12 23:47:57 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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By Dr. NerominiFaguRecently I came across an article about healthy teeth and occupations in which your smile is an important factor. Most people generally take care of their smile but for some it is part of the uniform or dress for their work, and an asset that requires constant maintenance as well. One of the first things you usually notice about someone is their smile.An attractive smile is important to people for a number of reasons. It is a reflection of their self- confidence and personality. It is also an indication of their overall health status. Certain jobs and professions, however, require people to have good oral health. Below are a few examples where a good grin is important.Actor or ActressFor most people this one is a no brainer, as we tend to equate Hollywood and Bollywood with gorgeous people having very attractive smiles. Yes,China Cheap Jerseys, there are roles where in fact an attractive smile is not needed, say you are playing a destitute or washed up hockey player. But have you ever noticed that in period pieces, where the movie is set in bygone times, the actors and actresses all have nice teeth?Many times I have remarked that even though the costumes and set décor represent the time period, the presence of nice straight teeth is a sure giveaway that the portrayal is not entirely believable. After all,Cheap Jerseys, can you imagine a pirate practising good hygiene on the high seas?ModelSimilar to actors, it is important for models to have attractive smiles. Their job is to sell the product whether it be a piece of jewellery, an article of clothing,Wholesale Jerseys Online, a fragrance, or even a car. A person with a smile may seem more trusting, and lends to the overall appeal of a product.Yes, it is true that a too-attractive model may distract from the product being marketed, but you will probably pay attention to the product more because of your initial attraction to the model.Dentist and Dental StaffI suppose it is not unreasonable to expect your dentist to have healthy teeth and gums. After all, if their job is to encourage people to take care of their oral health then as a dentist they should probably lead by example. Also,Laurent Koscielny Arsenal Jersey UK, having an attractive smile is in itself a marketing tool for their practice.A dentist with overly crooked or missing teeth may not inspire much confidence in his or her patients, and since some people may be nervous about going to a dentist to begin with then a dentist and dental staff with a good smile may help put patients at ease.Public OfficialAccording to studies, people who smile genuinely and show their teeth are seen to be more trustworthy. Having an attractive smile helps to increase the personal appeal to the public of a candidate who is running for public office. A smiling candidate is a trustworthy candidate and sends a subtle message that they can be counted upon as a leader.Sales ExecutiveAn attractive smile is a powerful tool. In addition to making a person more likeable,Cheap MLB Jerseys, a smile may even have some advantage in persuasion. Negotiating executives and sales professionals rely on their personalities to give them an edge when making deals or selling products. Companies that hire executives to make big sales or secure important accounts and partnerships are more likely to hire candidates with nice smiles.News ReporterHaving a good smile can make a television news reporter more likeable and better for the station’s news ratings. While in Guyana channel ratings are not currently being done, stations still need viewership to benefit their sponsors. A likeable news anchor will cultivate their own viewing audience which will provide a wider market for the products and services that are being advertised during the show.Regardless of your job or profession, an attractive smile and good oral health can be of benefit to anyone. Also, smiles can help people immensely in job interviews, on the job, in relatinships,Cheap Jerseys From China, and in their personal lives.For more information contact OMNI DENTAL at 295 Quamina Street, Georgetown Tel: 227-0025, Parika Tel: 260-3133 or send emails to [email protected]

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