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– plans to challenge Gecom’s decisionA Partnership for National Unity/ Alliance for Change (APNU+AFC) has expressed concern over the recent decision by the Guyana Elections Commission (Gecom) to not issue certificates of employment to polling day staff.It is customary for persons to be appointed to serve as polling day observers, drawn from each contesting party. At a recent press conference hosted by the APNU/AFC,Cheap Jerseys, APNU’s co-chair and leader of the Working People’s Affairs (WPA) Dr. Rupert Roopnarine pointed out the matter as one of grave concern to his party, since the non issuance of certificates of employment meant that it would be much more difficult for polling day staff to cast their ballots on elections day.He also stated that this difficulty will be compounded if the polling agents are posted at stations where they are not slated to vote.  It would therefore mean that they will not be able to vote outside of their jurisdictions, in addition to the fact that E-day staff will be confined to their Election Day duties.APNU’s Co- Chair Dr. Rupert RoopnarineCalling it an act of disenfranchisement, Dr. Roopnarine stated that the party would not sit idly by and accept the situation, but would challenge the decision taken by the electoral body.However when contacted,Wholesale NFL Jerseys, a senior official from Gecom stated that the body was just following the legal tenets of the People’s Representation Act,NFL Jerseys From China, which provides for the issuing of certificates to persons employed by the Elections Commission,NFL Jerseys Discount, not political parties.Meanwhile,Cheap NFL Jerseys, noting the tendency of polling staff in the past to leave the polling stations prematurely, Roopnarine stated that robust arrangements have been made to ensure that Election Day staffers are properly trained and that it is expected that they will remain in place until the final count, even foregoing lunch.“It will come down to our vigilance and tenacity on elections day.” He said.AFC general secretary David Patterson,Wholesale NFL Jerseys China, who was also present, noted that so far all 2,260 polling stations have people assigned to them. He mentioned that they were currently trying to get additional persons assigned to the stations. That way, he said, if something unprecedented should occur there is another person standing by.

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