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Faye Coulman of SoundShock.com conducted an interview with Simone Simons (vocals) and Isaac Delahaye (guitar) of Dutch female-fronted symphonic metallers EPICA on February 2 in London, England. You can now watch the chat below.EPICA's fifth full-length album, "Requiem For The Indifferent", will be released on March 9 in Europe and four days later in North America via Nuclear Blast Records. The CD was recorded at Gate Studio in Wolfsburg, Germany under the watchful eye of Sascha Paeth."Requiem For The Indifferent" track listing:01. Karma02. Monopoly On Truth03. Storm The Sorrow04. Delirium05. Internal Warfare06. Requiem For The Indifferent07. Anima08. Guilty Demeanor09. Deep Water Horizon10. Stay The Course11. Deter The Tyrant12. Avalanche13. Serenade Of Self-DestructionNorth American bonus tracks:14. Twin Flames (Soundtrack Version)15. NostalgiaThe artwork for the CD was created by Stephan Heilemann and can be seen below.EPICA debuted a brand new song, "Storm The Sorrow",Andrew Shaw Jersey, during the band's headlining concert on January 12 at Metropool in Hengelo,Mark Recchi Jersey, The Netherlands. Fan-filmed video footage of the performance can be seen below.Regarding the "Requiem For The Indifferent" album title,Trevor Daley Jersey, the band previously said, "This title refers to the end of an era. Mankind can no longer stick their head in the sand for the things that are happening around us. We are facing many challenges. There is an enormous tension between different religions and cultures,Brian Campbell Jersey, wars, natural disasters and a huge financial crisis,Scott Darling Jersey, which is getting out of control. More than ever we will need each other to overcome these problems. As we are all connected; the universe, earth, nature,Mats Sundin Jersey, animals and human beings,Duncan Keith Jersey, this period in time will be the prelude to the end for those who still don't want to, or simply won't see it. 'A Requiem For The Indifferent', but also a possibility for a new beginning with great new chances!" A CD-release party for the new EPICA album will be held on March 16 at 013 in Tilburg, Netherlands. EPICA will play the new album in its entirety, along with some older tracks, during the more-than-two-hour event. Pyrotechnics and special show elements will be added as well. EPICA's last album,Artemi Panarin Jersey, "Design Your Universe", landed at position No. 12 on the Top New Artist Albums (Heatseekers) chart, which lists the best-selling albums by new and developing artists, defined as those who have never appeared in the Top 100 of The Billboard 200.Interview:  "Storm The Sorrow" performance footage:

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