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發表於 2017-12-15 03:59:12 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Lance Corporal Akini Sampson was struck at least twice in the head with enough force to fracture his skull.Police sources said that this was revealed yesterday during a postmortem, which also showed that the 38-year-old soldier was struck with a heavy object and one of the blows was to the back of the head.Dead: Akini SampsonDeath was due to shock and haemorrhage. The source said that although a knife was found near the corpse, the body bore no knife injuries.A relative of the slain man told Kaieteur News that a police rank who viewed the postmortem stated that death was due to hemorrhage, but declined to provide family members with further details about his death.Because there was no sign of forced entry to Sampson’s Lamaha Springs house, investigators believe that he knew his killer and may have let the individual in.Kaieteur News understands that police are trying to locate a woman with whom Sampson was having a relationship, and whose husband had reportedly threatened the soldier.Sampson’s relatives have described him as a ladies’ man and said that the woman was refusing to break off the relationship with Sampson, who also had a fiancée.Some relatives said that they were told that the woman was seen entering Sampson’s house last Wednesday night.The Guyana Defence Force Lance Corporal was found lying face-down in his bed around 01:00 hrs last Friday by his stepson, Kester Williams, who was forced to pry open a window to gain entry to the property.Raynette McDonald, Sampson’s fiancée, told Kaieteur News that she last saw him alive at his home around 10:30 hrs last Wednesday. According to the woman, the soldier went out after telling her that he was going “to do business.”She said that she left some minutes later.She said that relatives later tried to reach Sampson on his cell phone and got no answer.Kester Williams told Kaieteur News that he last saw his stepfather alive at around 09:30 hrs last Wednesday at the Lamaha Springs residence. He said that Sampson’s girlfriend was also at the house.Williams, a taxi driver, said that he left and when he returned around 21:30 hrs,Cheap NFL Jerseys, the house was locked and the lights were off.According to Williams, he left but returned around 23:00 hrs on Wednesday and seeing that the house was still locked, decided to sleep in his car, since he did not have the keys to the premises.The taxi driver said that the following day he contacted an aunt who informed him that she was not reaching Sampson on his cell phone. He said that after sleeping by his mother-in-law’s house, he returned early on Saturday morning to his stepfather’s house, which was still locked.This time, the step-son said that he forced open a window and entered the house. It was then that he saw Sampson’s body on the bed.Sampson’s sister, Fiona Simon, said her brother has many girlfriends and he recently got himself involved with a woman who is married.“The woman is them ‘big and bad’ woman. She got she husband and she ain’t want left my brother alone. Three times her husband run my brother and beat him.”Kaieteur News understands that Sampson’s fiancée lives in Berbice but travelled to Buxton a few months ago, where she spent a few weeks with him at his sister’s home.“They come by me and they spend some time because she (McDonald) was sick, they went back by his house last month, but this other woman that he got, does call he landline and cuss she (McDonald) up,” Fiona said.

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