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發表於 2017-12-15 04:17:40 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Low Carbon Development Strategy…The main opposition People’s National Congress Reform (PNCR) says it expects no genuine consultations on the Low Carbon Development Strategy (LDCS) that was launched by President Jagdeo last Monday.PNCR executive council member, Lance Carberry, said there should have been consultations before the draft strategy was developed, and hence, “the cart is manifestly here before the horse.”It is believed that by having the consultations after the launch of the plan, the Jagdeo government will ensure that its documents remain virtually intact.“The Jagdeo Administration is fully aware that very few of our citizens would want to incur the wrath and venom of the Administration,Wholesale Jerseys Free Shipping, by making any major proposals to change the text of the Low-Carbon Development Strategy,” Carberry stated.He took particular note of the fact that the work and research being undertaken by the Iwokrama International Centre, finds no mention in the Strategy. The Centre manages the one-million acre Iwokrama forest in the heart of Guyana, to show how tropical forests can be conserved and sustainably used to provide ecological, social and economic benefits to local, national and international communities.The forest was offered, by the now late and former President Desmond Hoyte of the PNCR administration.The PNCR finds it a matter of curiosity that the Jagdeo Administration “did not think that the work and research being undertaken by the Centre, to be of sufficient importance for informing the development and implementation of the plan, for realising the benefits from the Low-Carbon Development Strategy.”“It is remarkable that, in this country, the PPP and the Jagdeo Administration continue to believe that the history of this nation began in 1992. Anything of worth or which is a credit to any other organisation or group is ruthlessly excised,NFL Jerseys Supply,” Carberry stated.However, he said of greater concern to the PNCR,Discount NFL Jerseys, is the manner in which the people of Guyana will benefit from the financial and other benefits accruing from the proposed Low-Carbon Development Strategy and the Avoided Deforestation initiative of President Jagdeo.So far, Carberry suggested, the Administration has proceeded on the assumption that the natural resources of Guyana are under the exclusive control of the PPP Administration to do as they please.“Consequently, the benefits to be derived may be treated in the same inequitable and discriminatory manner in which the Jagdeo regime has been conducting the affairs of Guyana,” he charged.“The Jagdeo Administration should be put on notice, however, that the PNCR is determined to ensure that any benefits, which Guyana derives, from its natural resources endowment are equitably distributed, for the benefit of all citizens and free from political partisanship,Jerseys Authentic Stitched,” Carberry declared.The government is seeking an international partnership that will provide incentives for keeping alive about 80 percent of Guyana’s forests, or some 15 million hectares, which have not been touched over time. These forests form part of the State Forest Estate,Cheap Jerseys China, and Amerindian communities are being told they can opt into the initiative, or choose not to be part of it.This week,Wholesale China Jerseys, the government will launch a three-month consultation process on the Low Carbon Development Strategy.Leader of the Opposition, Robert Corbin said the PNCR does not have confidence in the consultative process, because Jagdeo had also promised a series of consultations on his strategy for avoided deforestation, but this has not happened.

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