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Cheap NHL Jerseys thrash-metal warriors GOD FORBID









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發表於 2016-12-20 17:54:01 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式
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The fifth in a series of webisodes featuring behind-the-scenes footage from the making of "Equilibrium",Cheap Chicago Blackhawks Jerseys, the new album from New Brunswick,Cheap Spain Soccer Jerseys, New Jersey's melodic, thrash-metal warriors GOD FORBID,Cheap Houston Texans Jerseys, can be seen below."Equilibrium" is being released today (Tuesday, March 27) via Victory Records. The bulk of the CD was recorded by Mark Lewis (THE BLACK DAHLIA MURDER,Wholesale NFL Jerseys, WHITECHAPEL, DEVILDRIVER, TRIVIUM),Cheap France Soccer Jerseys, with Jason Suecof (TRIVIUM, ALL THAT REMAINS, THE BLACK DAHLIA MURDER, CHIMAIRA, DEVILDRIVER) stepping in during the the vocal-tracking stage. The effort was mixed by acclaimed Swedish producer Jens Bogren,Cheap Jerseys, who has previously worked with such acts as KATATONIA, OPETH, PARADISE LOST and AMON AMARTH."With the new album, we focused on writing tight,Cheap Jerseys Free Shipping, hooky metal songs," commented guitarist/vocalist Doc Coyle on the creative process for "Equilibrium", "There are some really fast, super heavy,Cheap Green Bay Packers Jerseys, groovy songs – some of the catchiest, most melodic songs we've ever written.  We wanted a modern, but organic-sounding album that was tight but still captured the intensity of the band.  The album sounds huge!" Coyle went on to speak about the overall theme of the album,Cheap Baltimore Orioles Jerseys, "The title of the album says it all — it's about finding your way when you're lost.  The lyrics come from a very personal, very real place.  The recurring lyrical theme is about the everyday struggles of life and what it takes to persevere and follow your dreams." GOD FORBID's solidified line-up, newly managed under World Entertainment's Alexander Ford and Gunter Ford, includes lead vocalist Byron Davis, guitarist/vocalist Doc Coyle, bassist John "Beeker" Outcalt, Corey Pierce on drums and newest member Matt Wicklund on guitar.  Webisode #5:  Webisode #4:  Webisode #3:  Webisode #2:  Webisode #1:

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