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[游泳] Wholesale NBA Jerseys China APNU+AFC









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發表於 2017-12-15 07:14:08 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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– “I expect compensation and investigation of my son’s case to come hand in hand with each other”Natalie Caseley,NFL Jerseys China, mother of Jaden Mars, continues to press for closure to her son’s case.Natalie CaseleyThe child died sometime after being given an overdose of anesthetic after being rushed to the Georgetown Public Hospital in December 2013 with a cut  on his tongue.The mother is positive that the practitioners who were entrusted to give medical care to her son were responsible for his demise. She is adamant that they should receive the requisite disciplinary action “so that others will not believe that it is okay to slip up and just walk away freely.”Responding to what the Minister of Public Health, Dr. George Norton had said about meeting a compromise with her,wholesale nfl jerseys, Caseley said that there is no way she is going to accept monetary compensation without practitioners being held accountable for her son’s death. “I expect compensation and investigation of my son’s case to come hand in hand with each other.”“When they (APNU+AFC) were out of power they had said that they will pick-up the case. Now that they are in power I want to see how they will deal with the case,Wholesale Jerseys China,” said Caseley.Caseley is hoping that Dr. Norton’s “settling in” does not take a prolonged period as she is expecting closure of her son’s case sooner rather than later.She lamented on the procrastination over her son’s case as did the Chief Medical Officer (CMO) sometime last month. And only recently Dr. Norton shared their sentiments.He said “I’m disappointed in the manner in which the matter was dealt with. The investigations took too long and the mother was being faced with an injustice because she wasn’t getting answers about her son’s case”.Dr Norton said that he understands her plights as a mother,Cheap NHL Jerseys Online, but he is hoping to be able to make a monetary compensation to the mother instead of going through with the court hearing.“We are not hiding negligence,NFL Jerseys Outlet, but rather we are more interested in finding out how the incident occurred and to make sure it does not happen again.” Norton witnessed the post mortem.A very optimistic Caseley has shown indications of persistence, as she maintains that she will continue the fight for her son’s justice.“If I didn’t go to the court,Jerseys NFL Wholesale, my son’s death was going to be just another one. I would never allow that to happen; I love him too much.”

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