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Wholesale Jerseys Supply ” the neighbours noted.Last year









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發表於 2017-12-15 13:21:35 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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By Romila BoodramJust six days into the new year, workers from the Child Care and Protection Agency (CCPA) were called upon to intervene in a situation at Guyhoc Park, Tucville, to ensure that four children, who were neglected, receive adequate care.The children,Jerseys Cheap China, aged 12, eight, three and one, were collected by the agency around 10:30 hrs yesterday, after the entity was contacted by this newspaper.The four children yesterdayEarly yesterday, a neighbour called and informed this publication about the four children,Wholesale Jerseys China, who were left alone in a rat-infested house with no food, to fend for themselves.The children had reportedly been left alone for more than a week by their mother, who according to neighbours, said she was going into the interior “to look for it.”The woman allegedly told her neighbours that she would be returning for the Mashramani holiday in February.When Kaieteur News visited the children yesterday, the one-year-old girl was seen running around in a urine-soaked one-piece outfit. Her older siblings, who were not properly dressed, were seen sitting quietly in a corner, watching the toddler.Up to 11:00 hrs yesterday, the children,Authentic Adidas Hockey Jerseys China, including the baby, had not eaten anything for the morning.Neighbours said that the 12-year-old girl was left in charge of her siblings. She was responsible for preparing breakfast, lunch and dinner, if anything was available to cook. She was also tasked with washing clothes and doing other chores.Due to her busy schedule and no money, the eldest child could not attend school nor could she send her two other school-aged siblings to any learning institution.A social worker leaving the house with two of the children yesterdayWhen Kaieteur News was taken for a tour of the premises, rats were seen running everywhere. The house has no electricity. At nights, the children slept alone in the dark on an old mattress with no covering and no mosquito net.For breakfast, they reportedly ate food that was given to them by neighbours the previous day – this same food was fed to the baby,Cheap NHL Adidas Jerseys, who according to neighbours should still be using porridge.“We are so sorry for these children. They did not ask for this, they are only children. If we don’t give them food,Cheap MLB Jerseys China, they wouldn’t eat,” one neighbour said.The woman added that the two older girls share one father while the other two share another father.“Their fathers don’t take care of them. The two men want nothing to do with them. When the Ministry gave that $10,000, the two big girls’ father collected their money and he disappeared. Those children got nothing out of that money,” another angry neighbour said.A few Guyhoc Park residents patiently waited for more than two hours to provide the CCPA and this newspaper with details pertaining to the children’s situation.A visually upset woman said, “Their mother knows that we give them food, so she left and gone. Even when she was here, we have to give them food, and we are worried about those children. The big girl is getting big, and people might want to abuse her.”The woman continued, “When her mother is here, she brings a lot of men to the house and there are some men who would come to your house and eye-up your girl children.”Neighbours praised the agency for the timely intervention.The house in which the children were living“This is a very good thing that happened to these children. At least they will go to school and have a decent life. They will also have the most important thing – food,” the neighbours noted.Last year, 520 children were placed in state care for various reasons,Wholesale Jerseys China, while 1,448 children were prevented from being separated from their families through intervention by the agency.

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