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Cheap NBA Jerseys China Prashad Nagar









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發表於 2017-12-15 13:22:41 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式
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A 37-year-old caretaker and father of four, who allegedly stole cheques and subsequently presented several of them to obtain more than $2M in food and drinks at Palm Court, was yesterday placed on $3 million bail when he appeared before Magistrate Hazel Octive-Hamilton at the Georgetown Magistrates’ Court yesterday, on several fraud-related charges.The allegation is that during the month of July this year, 37-year-old Steve King of Premniranjan Street, Prashad Nagar, forged a number of GBTI cheques and used the falsified documents to obtain food and beverages worth in excess of two million dollars from Palm Court.Steve King (centre,NFL Jerseys Outlet, being held by policeman) is accompanied by his lawyer James Bond.King was not required to plead to the eighteen indictable charges that were read to him.According to police reports,China Jerseys Free Shipping, King presented the bogus cheques to Aiyisha Wong, on six different dates, as a method of purchasing food and beverages from Palm Court – $249,Cheap Jerseys Online,000 on July 7; $316,Authentic Jerseys Cheap,000 (July 13); $257,300 (July 14); $115,400 (July 20) $433,000 (July 25) and $689,500 on July 27, a total of $2,Wholesale Jerseys Online,060,200.Attorney at law James Bond who appeared on behalf of the accused told the court that his client is innocent, and requested bail. The lawyer asked that the court take into consideration that the defendant is of meagre means and set bail at realistic sum. Bond told the court that King is not a flight risk since he is well known to police and hails from a good family background. The lawyer also stated that his client is guaranteed to attend court given that he is eager to clear his name.Police prosecutor Kerry Bostwick did not object to the accused being granted bail,NFL Jerseys Discount, but asked that he report to the Criminal Investigation Department (CID) headquarters every Friday morning. The Magistrate then granted bail and ordered that the man report to the police headquarters on Friday mornings. King is scheduled to make his next court appearance on October 5.

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