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發表於 2017-12-15 13:31:35 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Several leaders of the Muslim community yesterday met with the top officials of the coalition A Partnership For National Unity/ Alliance For Change (APNU+AFC), and signaled their support.Presidential Candidate,Wholesale China Jerseys, Brigadier David Granger (centre), and Prime Ministerial Candidate, Moses Nagamootoo (fourth from right) with coalition officials and members of the Muslim community during the meeting yesterday.According to the coalition, its Presidential Candidate, Brigadier David Granger, and Prime Ministerial Candidate,Wholesale China Jerseys, Moses Nagamootoo, along with its other top officials met with prominent representatives of the Islamic Community.The meeting took place at the Office of the Leader of the Opposition, Hadfield Street, Georgetown.The group which included members of the Anna Catherina Islamic Complex (ACIC) and other religious leaders, outlined a list of concerns facing the Muslim community in Guyana.“Some of the issues raised included rampant crime,Cheap Jerseys Online, corruption,NFL Jerseys From China, governance and the moral decay of the society,” APNU+AFC said in a statement.Addressing the group,Cheap Soccer Jerseys, Brigadier Granger said one of the primary missions of the coalition was the achievement of “national unity”.“Many of our problems will be solved if we can achieve national unity.”Granger assured the gathering that their concerns would be addressed by an APNU+AFC in Government and promised that his administration would maintain contact with the religious community.Nagamootoo made it clear that much had gone wrong in Guyana.“Guyana is a plural society and all are entitled to co-exist.”Nagamootoo said that the Islamic community must be a partner if the country is to recover from the current moral decay.“The Islamic community must help, if we are to recover lost values.”The Islamic leaders stated that it was time to put an end to the moral decay of society and for the development of Guyana to have a human face.“In endorsing the APNU+AFC the Muslim leaders noted that Guyana needed a fresh start,Cheap Jerseys For Sale, and that people were placing great expectation in the APNU+AFC,Supply Authentic NFL Jerseys,” the coalition said in its statement.Some of the prominent Islamic leaders who attended were Raheema Rahaman, Hakeem Khan, Reyaz Husein, Fazil Azeez, Hakim Khan and Fazal AliThe APNU+AFC team also included Amna Ally, Ronald Bulkan and Fredrick Mc Wilfred.

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