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發表於 2017-12-15 14:54:38 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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It is very pellucid that the PPP/C continues to weave its dirty fabric of political imposition onAFC Presidential Candidate,Cheap NFL Jerseys China Free Shipping, Khemraj Ramjattanthe first peoples of Guyana (Amerindians), said AFC Presidential Candidate, Khemraj Ramjattan at the party’s weekly press conference at the Fourth Street,Wholesale Jerseys From China, Campbellville headquarters yesterday.He said that at the recently held National Toshaos’ meeting where they should have deliberated serious issues pertinent to the development of the Amerindians; the event was instead used as a platform for the PPP/C’s campaign,Jerseys From China, all at the expense of the Guyanese taxpayer.Ramjattan said that the Community Development Officers (CDOs), who are PPPC-appointed persons were tasked with the responsibility of ensuring that Toshaos from the various regions and communities were closely monitored.He added that all efforts were made to shield them from the private media,China Jerseys, NGOs and opposition political parties. “The government obviously did not want their stories told lest they expose the lies peddled by the PPPC administration.“Prime News reporter,Cheap NFL jerseys China, Ms. Nazima Ragubhir can attest to this – she was asked to leave the meeting while NCN stayed on.”Adding that there is a grave concern that the Chairperson of the National Toshaos Council was playing what appeared to be a PPPC political role,cheap jerseys, Ramjattan further said it was reported that she gave opportunity to Toshaos who are known supporters of the government to speak while stifled others whose views were contrary to the government’s agenda.He said that the chairperson also sought to expose and embarrass Toshaos who refused to sign on to a government-crafted resolution urging the government and Norway to fast track the withheld LCDS funds sitting in the comforts of the World Bank’s treasury.“The government needs it to campaign, especially now that one of the big financiers is in police custody in New York for fraud…The AFC categorically condemns the manipulation of the Indigenous Peoples of Guyana.“The Party calls on the powers that be to give full independence to the NTC. Allow this important body to function in the interest of the Indigenous community and not be used for the narrow political agenda of the PPP/C.”

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