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…as ‘Cops and Faith’ reaches out to victim’s relativesCommander of the Police West Demerara Division, Senior Superintendent Stephen Mansell,Cheap Basketball Jerseys, has assured the relatives of murdered taxi driver Colin Clarke that every effort is being made to bring his killer to justice.(From left) Commander Stephen Mansell, Claudette Clarke, Janet Clarke and Pastor Derek AndersonThe assurance was given during a visit to the dead taxi driver’s Crane Housing Scheme home yesterday as part of the Force’s “Cops and Faith Community Network”.Commander Mansell was accompanied by Pastor Derek Anderson who prayed with and provided counseling to Clarke’s elderly mother Janet and his older sister Claudette.Clarke, 57,Cheap NFL Jerseys, and the Toyota motorcar he was driving, disappeared two Fridays ago, the victim of another carjacking. His body was discovered almost a week later in a trench at Uitvlugt. He was apparently strangled.Pastor Anderson told this newspaper that although he has been involved in intervention as part of the cops and faith initiative, yesterday’s exercise was a bit different, since in this case he had to deal with an elderly mother and sister of a deceased, instead of the wife and children.The “Cops and Faith” initiative is the brainchild of Police Commissioner Seelall Persaud, and it involves the collaboration between the police and faith-based organizations, to effect positive intervention where necessary to cushion the effects of crime among other things.Anderson disclosed that he was touched by the outpouring of grief when Clarke’s relatives were asked how they were coping with the death.“The mother said that she usually prayed and she did pray that they would find the body and they did find it; and she’s believing and praying again that justice will be served,” Pastor Anderson told this newspaper, adding that a return visit to the family is mandatory.Anderson said that working with the police in the “Cops and Faith” programme is very fulfilling, since the interventions made so far have been fruitful.“We really partner with the police….we’ve really become friends, and we are on the same page with the police. This “Cops and Faith” initiative is definitely a win/win situation,” the Pastor stated.For his part, Commander Mansell said that he is very pleased to be carrying out the mandate of the commissioner with regards to working with the church to bring about positive developments in the communities on the West Coast and West Bank of Demerara.“Pastor Anderson and his team are very outstanding….we’re transforming Region Three community by community,” the Commander said.He assured that investigators on the West Coast are working on a few leads and are hoping to make a breakthrough in the murdered taxi driver’s case.Meanwhile, the police in a press release stated that during yesterday, also, senior officers along with religious leaders attached to the “Cops and Faith Community Network”, visited a member of the public who was shot and injured by armed men during a robbery at his home recently, and a policeman who was injured while on duty at a roadblock.Commander ‘A’ Division,Cheap Jerseys China, Assistant Commissioner Clifton Hicken,Cheap Jerseys From China Online, along with other senior officers and Pastors David Cole and Shane Mosley, visited Nicholas Coates at his home in Bel Air Park, where he is recuperating. Prayer sessions were offered and he was given counseling by the religious leaders, while the Divisional Commander gave him words of encouragement.Coates was attacked at his home by four armed men on November 23,Cheap NFL Football Jerseys, 2015, during which he was shot and injured to his right foot.The Officers and Pastors also visited Police Constable 22445 Andrew July who is a patient at the GPHC. Constable July was struck down by a fleeing motorcyclist and received serious injuries, including a broken leg, while on duty at a police roadblock on December 04,Wholesale Authentic Jerseys, 2015.The pastors counseled and offered prayers for the speedy recovery of the rank as well as that of the other patients in the ward.The Guyana Police Force has been benefitting through meaningful support being given by religious leaders attached to the “Cops and Faith Community Network” which had been launched on September 12, 2013.

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