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[本地音樂] NFL Jerseys Supply t4oq1xav









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發表於 2017-12-15 17:40:55 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式
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–    Three other groups stage demonstrations outside barriersTension was high outside Parliament Building yesterday as police ranks, even with the use of force, were unable to place vendors, demanding the removal of Town Clerk, Carol Sooba and the passage of four Local Government Bills, behind barriers.In fact, even before the uproar, vendors, who were standing behind the barriers with three other groups protesting for different reasons, forced their way passed the police barricade and stoodRanks of the Guyana Police Force and vendors physically confront each other outside Parliament yesterday.in front Parliament Building making their demands.Ranks demanded that the vendors return to their original location but with support from members of the Guyana Youth and Student Movement, they refused to relocate. As such, ranks were forced to place additional barricades in the Parliament building compound but that too failed.Even though A Partnership for National Unity (APNU) Member of Parliament Joan Baveghems urged the protesters not to breach the barriers, they maintained their positions.Their actions were based on the premise that a Motion was passed in the National Assembly for the removal of barriers outside Parliament Building to allow for picketing, which is a constitutional right.Protesters armed with two purple teddy bears labeled “Sooba”, and placards, some with derogatory remarks, chanted while walking in circles demanding the Acting Town Clerk’s removal and the passage of the four Local Government Bills to allow for the holding of Local Government Elections.According to one vendor, they are fed up with Sooba and need her immediate removal. From all indications the town clerk is instrumental in the proposed removal of street vendors operating on Robb, Regent and Water Streets. The vendors, feeling threatened by the impending action, said that their livelihoods are dependent on vending.The vendors stressed that this is not a political stunt but serious business, especially at a time when children need certain items to return to school. “She tell me I must tek my wife and children and put thing round them neck, let them walk and sell. She head could be good?” the vendor argued.Members of Progressive Youth Organization showing support for the Amaila Falls Hydropower Project.But, their protest actions may go in vain since Local Government Minister Ganga Persaud said he will not remove Sooba. Even though,cheap jerseys, he is responsible for the appointment of the Town Clerk, Persaud said the vendors should talk to the Mayor and City Council.Meanwhile, wanting desperately to have the peaceful protestors behind the barriers, a senior Police Officer who appeared to be the commanding officer on the ground, ordered his ranks to arrest one of the protestors, who seemed to have been one of the ringleaders.This incensed the crowd who held onto the man, starting the physical struggle between the protestors and the police, even as media personnel zeroed in on the ugly scene.The commotion got uglier with ranks pushing, pulling and physically assaulting the vendors.This caused other APNU Members of Parliament to leave the comfort of Parliament Building and ventured onto the street to see what was happening. MPs Christopher Jones and Annette Ferguson joined the vendors in their protest, while Vanessa Kissoon tried to restore some order on the ground even as former Commissioner of Police now APNU MP Winston Felix spoke with the police Commanding Officer.Increasing the tension, the police mobilized a prisoners’ van on the scene and several ranks lined the front Parliament forming a barrier along a section.Seeing Members of Parliament in action, a group of Amerindians who were also protesting for their rights to be respected and the revamping of the Amerindian Act, cheered from behind the barriers.They are demanding that Government honour their obligations to Guyana’s first citizens. “We want the restoration of our sacred lands. The trampling of our rights as a people must stop,” yelled the angry crowd.Amerindians demanding that their rights be respected.With placards held high above their heads, the large gathering of Amerindians, which included residents of some hinterland communities in Regions One, Seven, Eight, and Nine chanted native spiritual songs, as they publicly, demonstrated their disapproval of treatment meted out to native Guyanese, especially in the area of land ownership.“Minister Sukhai, we don’t need you in a fancy chair. Get out into the fields and do your work, don’t send those cartoon characters. Our lands are sacred, respect the spirit of our ancestors. We ain’t giving up no mountains, we ain’t giving no trees, we ain’t giving up no rivers that belong to we,” some of the strongly worded posters emphasized.“We have a right to clean air water and adequate lands…Our rights must not be trampled upon. We are speaking out highlighting the problems in our communities, our stories, our songs and our uniqueness as Guyanese and as first citizens of this country,” Laura George, a representative of the Amerindian People’s Association (APA).George said that although the activity was an initiative organized by the Inseneru Village Council in the Cuyuni/Mazaruni District, Region 7, the periodic outcome of judicial cases between Amerindians and miners over lands has prompted the involvement of most indigenous protestors.Chants of “our land our life and keep our waters clean…” were most popular amongst the protestors.The demonstration also marks part of the International day of the world‘s Indigenous Peoples, observance, which is celebrated on August 9.The picketers are expected to meet with representatives of indigenous bodies across Guyana.“We want our concerns to be heard by other Guyanese as well,” George added.Meanwhile, not too far away relatives and friends of four policemen who were recently jailed for assaulting businessman, Neezam Khan, were demanding justice. They claimed that the policemen were jailed wrongfully. They claimed that a businessman used his “powers” to influence a bias case.And less than 10 members of Region Four Progressive Youth Organization came out in support of the Amaila Falls Hydropower project.Sarwan Jagnarine said the youths want cleaner and better energy but declined to comment on the over pricing of the project.He said, “the technicalities of this project I wish not to discuss here, since we would be having a press conference, so right now, the youths want hydro we come out in solidarity.”

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