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Rodgers had been Miami's defensive line coach since 2008. He and Bowles worked together previously with the Dolphins and under Bill Parcells in Dallas,Cheap Jerseys Free Shipping. The 45-year-old Rodgers was a defensive lineman and linebacker at Tennessee and spent time in camp with Pittsburgh and Shreveport of the Canadian Football League,Nike Air Max 97 Womens Sale.
Rodgers' coaching career began as the defensive line coach at Tennessee-Martin in 1994, and then made stops at Northeast Louisiana, Middle Tennessee State and Arkansas.

Bowles also hired eight assistant coaches,Wholesale NFL Jerseys, including former NFL linebacker Mike Caldwell, who will serve as the assistant head coach and work with the inside linebackers. The two worked together in Philadelphia in 2012 and in Arizona the past two seasons, helping turn the Cardinals into one of just five teams to hold opponents under 20 points per game the past two seasons combined.
Also hired by Bowles were: Mark Collins (outside linebackers), Joe Danna (defensive backs-safeties),Jerseys From China, Karl Dorrell (wide receivers) and Robby Brown (quality control-offense). Justus Galac was retained as the Jets' strength and conditioning coach, while Kavan Latham and Aaron McLaurin also return as Galac's assistants.
Caldwell played for Cleveland, Baltimore, Arizona, Philadelphia, Chicago and Carolina.
The new head coach hired Kacy Rodgers as his defensive coordinator and Bobby April Jr. as special teams coordinator Friday. Bowles tabbed Chan Gailey as the Jets' offensive coordinator earlier in the week.
The 61-year-old April, regarded as one of the NFL's top special teams coaches,Wholesale Authentic Jerseys, was with Oakland the past two seasons. He previously worked with Philadelphia, where he worked with Bowles in 2012, and coached in Buffalo, St. Louis, New Orleans, Pittsburgh and Atlanta.
His son, Bobby April III, was the Jets' linebackers coach last season and followed Rex Ryan to Buffalo.
NEW YORK (AP) — Todd Bowles is filling out his coaching staff with the New York Jets,Jerseys NFL Cheap.

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