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– emphasises need to secure scholarshipsAlthough Health Minister Dr Bheri Ramsaran, has admitted that “we need many more pathologists,” a shortage of the crucial health professionals may very well be linked to the exorbitant cost training in this regard attracts.  This notion was alluded to by the Health Minister who, in an invited comment,China Jersyes Cheap, said that Government is looking to secure scholarships to garner additional professionals in this field.In light of the fact that Guyana currently has only three qualified and,Cheap Jerseys USA, very experienced pathologists,Wholesale Jerseys Free Shipping, “we needMinister of Health,Dr. Bheri Ramsaranto beef that up,” said Minister Ramsaran of the state of pathology. He nevertheless insisted that “the three that are here are doing a very good job.”The Minister noted though that there are ongoing training programmes intended to prepare other doctors to delve into the field of pathology.  He pointed out that in addition to having a high cost,Wholesale NFL Jerseys China, training in pathology represents a second tranche training for doctors,Cheap Jerseys Supply, even as he emphasised that the health sector has no shortage of doctors who have the potential to be trained as pathologists.The health sector currently has close to 500 new doctors who were trained in Cuba and according to Dr. Ramsaran, “You have to be at the graduate level, so we are trying to secure some scholarships in pathology…Cuba had given us one; we need to check to see if we have been able to utilise that,” Dr. Ramsaran intimated.According to him, efforts are being made by the Health Ministry to attract more doctors to the field even as he emphasised,Wholesale Authentic Jerseys, “we need to take these graduate doctors to higher levels; that is what we have been doing.”The Minister said too that collaboration with Cuba has seen the offering of scholarships in the field of obstetrics and surgery which he noted, is also being pushed by the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation.This publication was informed that although the need for pathologists in the health sector has been rather dire for a number of years,Jerseys NFL Cheap, the state of affairs has reached worrying proportions since very few are opting to venture into the field.In fact, a senior official within the Health Ministry told this publication that at least one of the pathologists in the sector is particularly “over-worked. He goes all over; and there is another one in Berbice who is complaining all the time…”There is also another pathologist who serves at the West Demerara Regional Hospital.This publication was reliably informed too that one young doctor has for a few years been engaged in training facilitated by one of  the senior pathologists, while there is at least one other who is prepared to undergo specialist training in the field.  However, it was revealed that one of the doctors who is prepared for advanced training is not willing to do so in Cuba because of the language barrier.The daunting specialist doctors’ shortage situation had only a few years ago prompted Dr. Ramsaran to appeal to young doctors to take advantage of available scholarships. The Minister had even then lamented the fact that “We don’t have pathologists. The oldest pathologist is 63 years old and the youngest one is just a few years younger than that.  If somebody would come forward and say I want to go into that field obviously we would have to link them to that area so that they can get the grooming.”Young doctors accepting the challenge could see the Health Ministry deviating from its administrative regulation which requires that doctors serve at least two and a half years before becoming eligible for post graduate scholarships, Dr Ramsaran said.Doctors who are the product of scholarship programmes awarded by the government are expected to serve the country for a period of five years throughout the administrative regions.

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