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[PS3] Cheap NFL Shop and Jones









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發表於 2017-12-15 22:26:57 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Three men were indicted at the Georgetown Magistrates’ Court yesterday for the indictable charges of receiving stolen property. The charges stemmed from a recent Lusignan car theft.Conmen posed as customers at an Auto Sales company, tied up the salesman, and made off with two cars.Randy Garrett, 19, Ryan Jones, 25 and Adrian DaSouza, 40,Wholesale Jerseys USA, were all named on separate indictments and remanded to prison by Magistrate Judy Latchman during their first court appearance, yesterday.Adrian DaSouza, mechanic shop owner who received stolen car parts.The Prosecution claimed that between November 15 and November 27,Cheap Jerseys For Sale, Garrett,cheap nfl jerseys, a North Ruimveldt mechanic, and Jones, of Vreed-en-Hoop, received one Toyota Premio valued at $3,3 million whilst DaSouza, a Happy Acres mechanic shop owner,Wholesale NFL Jerseys China, was the recipient of one Toyota Premio motor car engine valued at $800,Cheap Jerseys Free Shipping,000, one transmission $200,000 and one computer box valued at $200,000, knowing the articles to be stolen or unlawfully obtained.The accused were not required to plead. The prosecution maintained that the trio received the property which belonged to Rabeena Khan, proprietor of S and K Auto Sales.Representing the Prosecution was Sergeant Vishnu Hunt who informed the court that Khan’s business is located at Lusignan, East Coast of Demerara.Hunte told the court that on November 15 two males entered the entity, pretending to be customers.He stated that the men used force and tied up the sales representative on duty before escaping with two of the company’s motor cars.One of the vehicles was abandoned on the Railway Embankment Road, East Coast Demerara,Cheap China NFL Jerseys, while Garrett transported the other car to Jones who subsequently stripped it and sold the parts to DaSouza.According to the Prosecution, the matter was reported, the accused were arrested and the articles recovered.Attorney at law Jerome Khan made an application on behalf of Da Souza for bail to be granted in a reasonable sum.He refuted that his client whom he says has been cooperating with the police, is a flight risk.He added that his client has several persons under his employ who are currently unable to work since De Souza has been in custody. Khan opined that the person who brought the car parts should be blamed rather than his client, who was merely the mechanic.Representing Jones and Garrett was Paul Fung-a-Fat who made an application for reasonable bail. He stated that Jones was merely asked to transport the car to a mechanic whilst Garrett is the mechanic who received payment for stripping the car.He said that neither of his clients bore any knowledge of the car being stolen property.Fung-a-Fat told the court that Jones is also currently charged with Robbery under Arms for the Bel Air Heist committed on Malcolm Panday and his family two years ago.He told the court that he is presently on $300,000 bail, has been attending court regularly, and is therefore not a flight risk.The lawyer said that his client aided the police in its investigations and further assisted them in retrieving the stolen car parts which are currently at the Brickdam Police Station.However, the Prosecution objected to bail for the trio on account of the seriousness and prevalence of the offence. He focused on the penalty attached to such an offence and opined that if granted bail the accused may not return to court to face the charges.Sergeant Hunt contended that Jones committed the offence while still embroiled in a similar one.Magistrate Latchman upheld the objections of the Prosecution and refused the trio bail. They will make their next court appearance on December 5 for report.

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