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Wholesale China Jerseys Brian Tiwari









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發表於 2017-12-16 00:11:10 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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A formal review ordered by President Bharrat Jagdeo into what went wrong with the new Supenaam ferry stelling is to be completed by this weekend and the findings made public as early Monday, Prime Minister Samuel Hinds has revealed.Updating Kaieteur News on the status of the investigation, Hinds, currently performing the duties of the President, yesterday disclosed that the report could land on his desk by this weekend.Two weeks ago, President Jagdeo had ordered a formal review into the almost $431M facility after a ramp collapsed while a ferry was being loaded.Two private engineers have also been retained to conduct the investigations and prepare a report.Two weeks ago, almost four days after it was opened to traffic, the stelling was forced to close its operations after the stelling’s ramp buckled under the weight of a truck boarding a ferry.The stelling’s contractor,Wholesale Soccer Jerseys Authentic, BK International, distancing itself from the incident, took media houses on an inspection shortly after and said that modification works on the ramp by the Ministry of Public Works had caused the problems.Late last month, an extra pontoon being installed by the Ministry sank while work was being done to attach it to the ramp.The stelling was hailed by government as a good development for Essequibo,Cheap Jerseys From China, saving valuable dollars on fuel costs and reducing travel time between Parika and Region Two by as much as 90 minutes.During a press conference,Cheap NFL Jerseys, Minister of Public Works, Robeson Benn had stressed that his Ministry only took over the facility in January, and in a pressure situation,Cheap China Jerseys, immediately started works to rectify a number of key problems inherited from the construction phase to ensure that facility was brought to use.The Ministry expended an additional $18M to add a new pontoon and a drawbridge to allow vehicles to load and offload from the ferries. This was an expenditure in addition to the $431M already spent.The stelling’s construction should have started on March 14,NFL Jerseys China, 2007 and could have been completed on September 14, 2008. However, according to the Ministry, 439 days were added.Benn said that when his Ministry took over the facilities in January, it was immediately recognised that two problems had to be fixed,Cheap Jerseys For Sale, Benn said.This included fixing the issue of the bridge leading to the ferries and the question of flotation, since the one pontoon stabilising it could not have worked. And there was the question of fixing the large gap between the ferries’ loading area and the ramp.According to Benn, in January, tests using a loaded truck found that the pontoon was at the unsafe level when significant weight was added.Further, it was decided that it would have been highly impractical to attach drawbridges to all vessels docking there. The ideal situation was to build a drawbridge from the stelling’s bridge.Inspections of the buckling of the ramp found that while the drawbridge remained intact, the ramp’s end beam was bent which raised questions of the quality of the steel used, among other issues, the Minister said.It was also pointed out, yesterday, that although the facility was supposed to take up to 30 tons in weight from trucks, and on the average, it was inconceivable that the ramp could have buckled if it was built to specification.Describing the sinking of the pontoon two weeks earlier as a mishap, the Minister said it was due to the fact that there was high tide and workers were in the midst to attaching when it swamped and sank.While stressing that he is confident that the Prime Minister’s review will concur with the Ministry’s findings so far, the Minister was angry that BK’s Managing Director, Brian Tiwari, could have suggested that the Ministry may have had a hand in the problems recently.On questions why BK was issued a Certificate of Completion, Benn noted that his Ministry was not involved in this, since the stelling was being managed by the Project Execution Unit of the Minister of Local Government. Public Works only took over the facilities in January.He insisted that there was a supervisory engineer, Vikab Engineerings, which was monitoring the works to ensure that the facility was built to specification.The officials declined to comment on questions whether they were happy with the overall project and if the preliminary designs could have been done better.Minister Benn also disclosed that any repair works to the stelling will have to wait until the two independent engineers would have completed their investigations.In the meantime, Essequibo travelers have continued using the old Adventure stelling.BK, during the tour, had claimed that the modifications including the extra pontoon and the drawbridge were not needed since tests had found that the one pontoon could have taken the weight.The officials believed that the current modification works have resulted in the structural integrity of the stelling being compromised.

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