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[泰拳] Cheap Jerseys 2018 but in over 125 countries worldwide









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Founded in 1937 in a rural village in India by a wealthy diamond trader, known in the spiritual world as Brahma Baba, the Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual University (BKWSU) has grown from an initial administering body of eight young women to millions of members, not only located in India, but in over 125 countries worldwide,Cheap Jerseys From China, including Guyana.The present administrative head of the organization, Dadi Janki, at age 92, joined the BKWSU as a founder member in 1937,cheap nfl jerseys, and continues to travel the world giving regular lectures based on the attainment of world peace and human goodwill through the practice of raja yoga meditation.This particular form of spiritual indulgence is designed in practice, according to the BKWSU, to relax,NHL Jerseys China, refresh and clear the mind and heart,Cheap NFL Jerseys China, and in so doing, it eases stress and inculcates goodwill in the human self.The BKWSU has consultative status with the United Nations, and Dadi Janki is internationally recognized as a great teacher and mentor, whose aim is to inspire people who are searching for peace and harmony in their hearts and homeland.The ongoing objective of the BKWSU to bring peace to individuals and nations could be best expressed in the words of Sister Janki: “What kind of world is forming now beyond this winter of war and sorrow, of poverty, pollution and death? In the winter, we foresee the spring.Those with a positive vision of the future give us an image of a world on this planet where all things are given freely, where the highest human potential is fully realized. But we can get to that stage only when there are leaders to take us there”.Visiting Guyana at present is Sister Raji, a leading figure from the headquarters in Mt. Abu, located in the state of Rajasthan, India. In an interview, Sister Raji reiterated the organization’s goal of achieving peace and cohesion in the world through the practice of Raja Yoga meditation.“By attaining the knowledge and science of Raja Yoga, one could transform one’s self from negative to positive, get to know who you really are, and achieve purpose in life that enhances the goodwill of individuals, societies and whole countries.”The elder from Mt. Abu said that the BKWSU is open to all faiths and religious persuasions worldwide.Sister Raji described Guyana as a wonderful place,Wholesale NFL Jerseys, full of hope for the future, and she encourages Guyanese to take the many opportunities offered by the BKWSU branches here, so that the whole country can become one,wholeslae cheap nfl jerseys china, where peace and goodwill will prevail.

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