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[田徑] Wholesale Authentic Jerseys Outlet









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發表於 2017-12-16 01:21:29 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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So there are times when Sherman must escape what he's created. Often it's as simple as locking himself in a room and playing video games for a few hours,Wholesale NFL Jerseys China, or hanging out with his girlfriend and watching a movie.
"I really put time in it, I focus on it. I cut my phone off. Nobody comes and bothers me when I play my games,Nike NFL Jerseys China," Sherman said. "It allows you to clear your head for a while,Cheap NFL Jerseys China, and when it's time to get back to work it's time to get back to work."
The games are an escape from The Game. A way for Sherman to get lost in something, anything other than the hoopla that surrounds him.
This is the world that Sherman has chosen. Where he's gone from being largely overlooked coming out of Stanford,Cheap NFL Jerseys China, to being one of the most polarizing figures in the NFL. There isn't much of a middle ground with Sherman. He is either loved for a style that borders on cockiness,Wholesale NFL Jerseys, or he is despised for the same reason.
When Richard Sherman could go unrecognized in public. When his dreadlocks might bring a curious glance and be forgotten just as quickly. When he was still mostly overlooked,Jerseys NFL Wholesale, the same way he ended up being bypassed in the NFL draft until the fifth round.

RENTON, Wash. (AP) — The places and ways to escape were simpler not that long ago.
"It's difficult at times. It's more frustrating at times," the star cornerback says about that anonymity being gone. "When you're at dinner with your family or you're just trying to be out hanging out on vacation and you can't just sit there and sit on the boat without people driving up to the boat, constantly trying to take pictures and then them calling you rude because you say you just want to relax and be on vacation for a second.
"It gets to be a bit much when you lose your personal time."
It's a difficult space to navigate for someone 26 and suddenly flush with money after signing a $56 million contract extension.

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