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發表於 2017-12-16 02:13:45 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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– tells police relative paid $700k to kill herThe cat and mouse game between detectives and a ruthless killer finally ended yesterday with the capture of Colin Alleyne, the man caught on camera beating 77-year-old Carmen Ganesh to death in her home almost a month ago.Crime Chief Wendell Blanhum told Kaieteur News that Alleyne was arrested at Guyhoc Park. Detectives had him under surveillance for about two weeks, and were aware that he was moving between Guyhoc Park and Timehri.A police official said that detectives were optimistic that they would have nabbed Alleyne before the week was up, and they were cautious about moving in too soon.When police took him into custody, Alleyne was wearing the identical garb he was dressed in when he killed Mrs. Ganesh: a pair of three-quarter camouflage pants, burgundy jersey and ‘Cayenne belt’.Alleyne, who has previous arrests for break-and enter, is said to have readily admitted to killing Mrs. Ganesh. Sources said that he then gave detectives a detailed and gruesome account of how a male relative of Mrs. Ganesh paid him $700,000 to kill the old woman and steal documents pertaining to her property. Acting on this information, police have detained the relative, as well as another man to whom the documents were reportedly given. The relative has been detained at CID Headquarters, Eve Leary, and several relatives turned up there yesterday evening.They all expressed shock at the man’s arrest, and were all adamant that he was innocent. They believe that the killer is framing their relative, and maintained that a businessman that had a dispute with Mrs. Ganesh is the real culprit. According to them, the detained man is a painter and is not wealthy enough to raise the $700,000 that the killer claimed he was paid to kill Mrs. Ganesh. According to them, the killer has given the police conflicting statements, first claiming that ‘a businessman’ hired him and then later claiming that the detained relative paid him to do the job.The family members, who have retained an Attorney, said that the relative was arrested at his Better Hope, East Coast Demerara home at around 14.00 hrs.KILLER AND PLOTTER HID IN CAR  According to Alleyne’s story, the relative instructed him to enter Mrs. Ganesh’s home, kill her and retrieve the property documents.On the night before the August 1 killing, the relative reportedly let Alleyne into the Montrose yard, and the two men then hid in a Toyota Spacio, that was parked on the property. While in the car, the relative reportedly gave Alleyne a key to Mrs. Ganesh’s home, and the two men then plotted how the deed would be done.Alleyne, who was armed with a handgun, reportedly spotted a tyre wrench in the vehicle, and contemplated whether he should club Mrs. Ganesh with the wrench or shoot her.The relative reportedly suggested that Alleyne club   her with the wrench,Cheap China NFL Jerseys, since neighbours would hear the gunshots.“SHE TOOK A WHILE TO DIE”During the early hours of August 1, Mrs. Ganesh went outside to pray, and the hit man reportedly slipped into the house and hid. Eventually, Mrs. Ganesh re-entered her home, and Alleyne struck her on the head, and the old woman collapsed to the floor.Thinking that she was dead, Alleyne reportedly said that he began to search for the documents he was instructed to retrieve.“But when he went near to her, he saw that she was moving. He then ensured that she died. She took a while to die,” a source said.Alleyne reportedly said that he then snatched up the documents from a table and went outside to the relative, who was waiting in a car. He claimed that the relative handed the documents over to another individual who was in the vehicle. On seeing the other individual, Alleyne reportedly became angry, since he had thought that the relative was the only individual who knew of the plot.According to the sources, the relative instructed Alleyne to go back into the house and remove the CD from the surveillance camera recorder. The killer reportedly returned to the house, but reportedly mistakenly removed a CD that was not linked to the surveillance system. He then gave it to the relative and left the scene in a minibus.KILLER’S MOM SEES HIM ON CAMERA FOOTAGEAlleyne said that a few days later, his mother sent him to buy a newspaper. He was reportedly shocked to see a photograph of himself, which police had released to the media. On that same day, in an effort to locate the killer, Kaieteur News also posted online camera footage of Alleyne’s slow torture of Mrs. Ganesh, and of him searching her home. Some television outlets also used the same footage that Kaieteur News had released.Alleyne said that on that night, his mother was watching television and saw the footage of him killing Mrs.  Ganesh. She immediately collapsed.Alleyne said he became furious and confronted Mrs. Ganesh’s relative, whom he accused of selling him out to the police, by giving them the footage. He claimed that after threatening the relative, the man gave him more money to leave the country. However, he was picked up before this could happen.Carmen Ganesh’s battered body was found in her home on August 1, by relatives who went to check on her after she failed to answer her neighbours’ calls.A post mortem revealed that she had died from blows to the head. The killer is said to have made off with some of the slain woman’s jewellery and her pension.Surveillance camera footage showed Alleyne calmly clubbing, throttling and then kicking and stomping Mrs. Ganesh. He was also seen speaking to and gesticulating at his victim, who was lying on the floor.At the time, family members had said they were sure that the man was not there just to rob Mrs. Ganesh, but was calculating enough to ensure that she suffered severely before he finally ensured she was dead.The relatives had expressed surprise that the killer, who had ample time to pack away loot, left behind items of significant value which were bound to attract the ordinary break-and-enter criminal.On the day of the murder, Police had detained a Montrose businessman with whom the elderly woman and her family had a dispute a few years ago. But the man was released after detectives failed to link him to the murder.Alleyne was previously charged in November, 2013 with a break and enter and larceny offence at Hyde Park, Timehri. He was accused of stealing an LG flat screen television valued $120,000 and a DVD player valued $13,000. He was remanded on the charge.

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