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發表於 2017-12-16 02:14:53 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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LOS ANGELES (AP) — Karl Towns Jr., a 7-footer headed to Kentucky to play basketball, and Brianna Turner, a Notre Dame recruit, were honored Tuesday night as the national prep athletes of the year.
Turner accepted her trophy from presenters Eddie Lacy of the Green Bay Packers, Omar Gonzalez of the U.S. national soccer team and retired soccer star Mia Hamm. Turner had a 3.78 GPA and was MVP of the McDonald's High School All-America game.
He earned a 3.50 grade point average and has played for the Dominican senior national team since he was 16.
"Wow, wow, wow," Towns said, holding the silver trophy. "Growing up, you never really see yourself being in this position. I've got to thank my mom for always cooking for me. I'm a big guy and I eat a lot."
Turner led Manvel (Texas) High to consecutive state titles, averaging 20.8 points, 11.5 rebounds and 4.2 assists in just 23 minutes a game last season. The guard-forward started all 154 possible games during her prep career.
"I got to get my words together," she said onstage. "I'm just in shock."
Towns beat out nominees Trentavis Friday, a sprinter from Cherryville, North Carolina; defensive tackle Andrew Brown of Chesapeake, Virginia; distance runner Grant Fisher of Grand Blanc,Cheap Nike NFL Jerseys China, Michigan; pitcher Justus Sheffield of Tullahoma, Tennessee; and soccer player Abu Danladi of Los Olivos, California.
Towns said he eventually would like to become a doctor,Jerseys China Cheap NFL, having been inspired by his mother being a nurse.
Towns also thanked his father, who jumped up to congratulate his son, for working four jobs to provide for the family. Towns raised his glasses to wipe his eyes and his voice wavered during his acceptance speech.
"Thanks to my parents," Turner said. "Without them, I couldn't have any of this success."
Towns led his St. Joseph High School team to three straight state titles before graduating a year early this spring. The forward from Metuchen, New Jersey,NFL Jerseys China, averaged 20.9 points, 13.4 rebounds and 6.2 blocked shots last season.
Turner won out over soccer player Katie Cousins of Forest,Wholesale NBA Jerseys China, Virginia; distance runner Alexa Efraimson of Camas,Supply Cheap Jerseys, Washington; volleyball player Alexa Filley of Louisville, Kentucky; softball pitcher Taylor McQuillin of Mission Viejo, California; and shot putter Raven Saunders of Charleston, South Carolina.
The awards are sponsored by Gatorade.
The winners were chosen by a nationwide panel of sports experts who took into account individual accomplishments during the academic year, athletic,Wholesale Jerseys China, academic and character excellence, impact on their team's success and their achievements during their prep career.
Making her first trip to California and staying in a hotel room facing the Hollywood sign "is awesome," she said.
Towns' mother, who is from the Dominican Republic, jumped up, yelled and pounded her son's back when he was announced as the boys' winner by presenters Steven Jackson of the Atlanta Falcons, 2010 winner Brandon Knight of the Milwaukee Bucks and Bradley Beal of the Washington Wizards.
"Having a good GPA is more important than just having 20 points a night," he said.

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