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發表於 2017-12-16 02:32:31 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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The University of Guyana is working towards establishing a unit to teach the Chinese language and culture, Vice Chancellor Lawrence Carrington announced Friday.To make this possible, the University is working to establish relationships with the Beijing Technological and Business University.If this materializes,Wholesale Baseball Jerseys, the University will house a “Confucius Institute” for teaching Chinese language and culture.“If all goes well, the goodwill of the Government of China would produce a structure, which would enable the School of Education and Humanities to guarantee the place of Chinese in the curriculum of the University and deliver its programmes more effectively,” Professor Carrington stated.He credited “the sterling perseverance” of Guyana’s ambassador to China, Professor David Dabydeen,Cheap NBA Jerseys China, in helping with the process thus far.News of the development of the Confucius Institute comes as the country, particularly Georgetown, is seeing the influx of more and more Chinese businesses,Jerseys Cheap, from clothing stores to the hardware and furniture.Last year, Chinese Ambassador,Wholesale Cheap Jerseys, Yu Wenzhe said that Chinese companies are getting ready to invest some US$1 billion in various projects in Guyana.To date,Cheap Jerseys From China, the total investment from China is over US$100 million in the field of mining and forestry,Wholesale NFL Jerseys China, Ambassador Yu said, and other investment projects currently in the pipe line are worth more than US$1 billion.Trade between Guyana and China continues to deepen and two-way investment is growing steadily. For the first 10 months of 2010, this bilateral trade amounted to US$80 million.Over the years the scale of Guyana/China trade as well as investment cooperation has been deepening and expanding with ever increasing sectors and varied approaches in cooperation.Though the trade volume decreased by 20.9 per cent in the year of 2009 as affected by the international financial crisis, economic and trade cooperation showed strong resilience against the slow recovery of world economy and recorded a fast rebound.According to statistics, bilateral trade in the first 10 months of 2010 registered a 14 per cent increase.In 1971, Guyana became the first English-speaking Caribbean country to establish diplomatic relations with China, ushering in a new era in China-Caribbean relations.In his New Year’s Address, Ambassador Yu said that over the past decades,Cheap NFL Jerseys Wholesale, China-Guyana friendly relations and cooperation have stood the test of time and witnessed a sound and rapid development, “bringing concrete benefits to our two peoples.”This year marks the 40th anniversary of diplomatic relations between Guyana and China.

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