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發表於 2016-12-20 23:18:09 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Los Angeles cyber metallers FEAR FACTORY have confirmed their first tour for 2012. Set to begin in San Antonio on May 1, the trek will include stops in Dallas, Philadelphia, New York City, Baltimore, and Denver. Joining FEAR FACTORY for the tour is Boston's SHADOWS FALL, Kansas City-based THE BROWNING,wholesale nfl jerseys, Riverside,cheap nfl jerseys elite, California's THE DEVASTATED, and LEGACY OF DISORDER from New Zealand. Confirmed dates so far:May 01 - Backstage Live - San Antonio, TXMay 02 - Trees – Dallas, TXMay 03 - Scout Bar – Houston, TXMay 05 - State Theater - St. Petersburg, FLMay 06 - Culture Room - Ft. Lauderdale, FLMay 09 - Ziggy’s - Winston-Salem,cheap jerseys, NCMay 10 - Theater of Living Arts – Philadelphia, PAMay 11 - Wally’s Pub - Hampton Beach, NHMay 12 - Gramercy Theatre - New York, NYMay 13 - Sonar – Baltimore, MDMay 16 - The Crofoot Ballroom – Pontiac, MIMay 20 - Summit Music Hall – Denver,jerseys cheap nfl, COFEAR FACTORY recently finished mixing its new album, "The Industrialist", with Greg Reely (PARADISE LOST,cheap jerseys from china, FRONT LINE ASSEMBLY, SKINNY PUPPY) at a studio in Canada. Due this summer in Europe via AFM Records and in the U.S. through Candlelight,cheap jerseys elite, the CD was once again co-produced by the band with Rhys Fulber (FRONT LINE ASSEMBLY,jerseys from china, PARADISE LOST), with additional tracking by Logan Mader (DEVILDRIVER, CAVALERA CONSPIRACY, SOULFLY). Commented FEAR FACTORY guitarist Dino Cazares and vocalist Burton C. Bell: "This album perfectly captures the true nature of FEAR FACTORY. The industrial/metal blend is a strong return to our original concept for FEAR FACTORY."FEAR FACTORY recently enlisted Matt DeVries as the band's new bass player.  DeVries,wholesale jerseys, previously of CHIMAIRA (where he played guitar) and most recently SIX FEET UNDER, joined FEAR FACTORY as the replacement for Byron Stroud (now with 3 INCHES OF BLOOD). Cazares and vocalist Burton C. Bell commented: "We are very excited to have Matt playing bass for FEAR FACTORY.  We feel he is a great addition to our touring lineup.  He has been a friend for a very long time and he is a great musician who will be a perfect instrument in the FF machine."  DeVries added: "I have been asked by Dino and Burton to join one of my favorite bands.  I have been a fan of FEAR FACTORY since 1992 and I could not be more excited to be part of this incredible band.  We have shared the stage many times together and now I'm beyond stoked to be on the same stage playing together.  Thank you to all my fans worldwide for sticking by me and I will be seeing you all on the road very soon."FEAR FACTORY's most recent touring lineup featured original FF members Dino Cazares (guitar) and Burton C. Bell (vocals) alongside Stroud (who was credited on the last three FEAR FACTORY albums in addition to touring and recording with STRAPPING YOUNG LAD and ZIMMERS HOLE) and legendary drummer Gene Hoglan (DETHKLOK, STRAPPING YOUNG LAD, DARK ANGEL,nfl jerseys china, DEATH, TESTAMENT).

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