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DJ Fio conducted an interview with Mr. Lordi of Finnish heavy metal monsters LORDI on the May 1 episode of the "European Metal Show" radio show on Insane Realm Radio. You can now listen to the chat using the Mixcloud player below.LORDI's new album, "To Beast Or Not To Beast", was released on March 1 in Europe (excluding Finland) via AFM Records. The CD was made available in North America on March 19 through The End Records. "To Beast Or Not To Beast" has registered the following first-week chart positions:Finland: #8Germany: #56Switzerland: # 95"To Beast Or Not To Beast" was recorded last fall at WireWorld Studio in Nashville,Cheap Jerseys, Tennessee with renowned producer Michael Wagener (METALLICA, OZZY OSBOURNE,Cheap Jerseys Free shipping, SKID ROW, DOKKEN, RAVEN, MEGADETH). The CD marks the recording debut of LORDI's new members, keyboardist Hella (replacing Awa) and drummer Mana (replacing Otus). "The road to this album has truly been paved by hardships," LORDI leader Mr. Lordi says. "However, the new lineup of the band has given us new and fresh touch and an energetic edge to the recording process,Wholesale Jerseys Free shipping, and to the album itself."He added: "The album cover painting is actually a part of a larger picture. The original artwork had this vintage-styled lady holding a horned skull, which, however,Wholesale Jerseys, was not the main point of the art piece. There was something not quite right with the setting, so I made experiments with various versions and framings. Album title was 'Upgradead' at that point in time,Wholesale Jerseys Cheap, and the painting was done with that title in mind. But now, with a changed concept of the artwork, the title did not seem to fit anymore. We did not consider it an A-class name either. Our guitarist Amen came up with the final title, which we felt suitable and perfect both for the cover artwork and the album." "To Beast Or Not To Beast" track listing: 01. We're Not Bad For The Kids (We're Worse)02. I Luv Ugly 03. The Riff 04. Something Wicked This Way Comes 05. I'm The Best 06. Horrifiction 07. Happy New Fear 08. Schizo Doll 09. Candy For The Cannibal 10. Sincerely With Love 11. SCG6: Otus' Butcher ClinicLORDI previously worked with Wagener on 2010's "Babez For Breakfast", which sold around 1,000 copies in the United States in its first week of release. The CD landed at position No. 43 on the Top New Artist Albums (Heatseekers) chart, which lists the best-selling albums by new and developing artists, defined as those who have never appeared in the Top 100 of The Billboard 200.Interview:  "The Riff" video:

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