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發表於 2017-12-16 06:46:42 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式
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Joseph said he holds no ill will toward the rookie.
The Rams drafted Robinson, who was a tackle in college, over three other linemen who are starting -- Jake Matthews at Atlanta, Taylor Lewan at Tennessee, and Zack Martin at Dallas. Robinson saw action in just a few plays on the offensive line in the Rams' first four games. He also did some special teams work.
"I thought he did pretty good, I really did. You saw a big, physical guy," Schottenheimer said. "It was fun to watch him match up with Justin Smith, another big,Wholesale Jerseys From China, physical guy. I thought it was winning performance for his first time out there."
"He's here to play, and he's gonna play,NFL Jerseys China Online," said Joseph,Discount NFL Jerseys, who came to St. Louis as a free agent from Tampa Bay. "If there's anything I can do for him,Wholesale China Jerseys, I will do for him. He's a great player."
"When coach (Paul) Boudreau called me to office early that morning early in the week, I thought I was in trouble," Robinson said. "I thought I did something wrong and he said,China Jerseys, 'We're going to start you.'"
Robinson said he realizes he has much work to do.
"He's come on. He's progressed over the last few weeks," Fisher said. "We had a good week of practice and I thought Greg did good for his first start and he's only going to get better."
"After watching the film, there was a lot of good, a lot of bad,Air Max 97 Undefeated For Sale, and a lot of things I have to learn from," Robinson said. "It's just a start and I plan on getting better and working hard each week."
It was frustrating for Robinson to sit and watch but he kept working and eventually replaced Davin Joseph at guard. That shuffled the line. Rodger Safford moved to right guard, where Joseph had been starting in the first four games.
However, Boudreau asked him to keep the news quiet. He thought it would give the Rams an edge against San Francisco. So there was the former Auburn standout, making his first NFL start at left guard alongside left tackle Jake Long. Across the line from them was Pro Bowl end Justin Smith.
Start No. 2 will come Sunday when the defending Super Bowl champion Seattle Seahawks visit St. Louis.

"I was studying them throughout the week," Robinson said. "It was just kind of smart on our part and it helped. I really felt prepared well throughout the week."
Brian Schottenheimer, the Rams offensive coordinator, liked what he saw from Robinson against the 49ers.
Robinson earned the start, Rams coach Jeff Fisher said.
ST. LOUIS (AP) — Getting his first NFL start was no game-day surprise for Greg Robinson. Early in the practice week, the St. Louis Rams told the second overall pick of the draft he'd be in there against the San Francisco 49ers.
Now, the guard will try to build on that solid debut.
It seemed a step back for such a high draft pick. St. Louis selected the 6-foot-5, 332-pound Robinson for his size and ability to run block.

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