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發表於 2017-12-16 07:36:59 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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In the meantime, Brian Winters will start in Colon's place. Winters was the Jets' third-round pick out of Kent State in 2013 and started 12 games at left guard as a rookie. He also started the first six games last season before being lost for the season with a torn ACL.
"He said it was on the same leg," Bowles said. "He might have overcompensated for it, is what he told me."
FLORHAM PARK, N.J. (AP) — New York Jets right guard Willie Colon will be sidelined at least one game with a sprained knee.
Winters will be tasked with going up against Miami defensive tackle Ndamukong Suh on Sunday.
Tight end Jeff Cumberland is in the NFL's concussion protocol after being injured against the Eagles. Bowles said the Jets could add another tight end to the roster if Cumberland can't play,Cheap Adidas NHL Jerseys, with promoting Wes Saxton from the practice squad a possibility.
Linebacker Quinton Coples sprained an elbow,Wholesale NFL Jerseys, but is expected to be able to play against the Dolphins.

The Jets have a bye-week break after the game Sunday,Jerseys NFL Cheap, and it's uncertain whether Colon will be ready to return for the team's next game on Oct. 18 against Washington.
Bowles said cornerback Darrelle Revis is dealing with a sore hamstring that kept him out of the final minutes of the game Sunday. Revis said he would be "fine" after being questionable last week with a tweaked groin,Wholesale NFL Jerseys.
"I truly hope so,Cheap Jerseys Wholesale," Bowles said.
"Brian's a tough guy," Bowles said. "He's played before, and he's played against good competition. Obviously with Suh being one of the best in the league, he's going to have his hands full. Our offensive line as a whole will have their hands full, so we've just got to get ready to play."
Coach Todd Bowles said Colon,Cheap Soccer Jerseys, injured during the Jets' 24-17 loss to the Philadelphia Eagles on Sunday, sprained the medial collateral ligament in one of his knees. An MRI on Monday confirmed the injury, which will keep him out of the team's game against the Miami Dolphins in London. MCL sprains can take several weeks to heal.

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