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發表於 2017-12-16 10:38:04 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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"But I feel good about the things that we're doing with these guys right now and where they're at. I'm very hopeful that they'll continue to keep progressing. I think they're starting to develop some chemistry and starting to develop some confidence."
The Vikings are breaking in a new right guard, too,Cheap Jerseys, with Mike Harris. Brandon Fusco shifted to left guard.
Rookie T.J. Clemmings has taken Loadholt's place in the lineup. The other backup tackles on the roster are third-year prospect Carter Bykowski, seventh-round draft pick Austin Shepherd and Babatunde Aiyegbusi.
Zimmer, too, returned to practice Tuesday after returning from the funeral for his father, Bill.
Pruitt had a walking boot on his left foot. Peterson was on the field,Wholesale Authentic Jerseys, watching without a helmet. He practiced with the team Monday, but after he took a helmet to the left leg a week ago he sat out several days as a precaution. The Vikings won't play him in any exhibition games.
The move was made Tuesday, when the Vikings signed offensive tackle Stephen Goodin to fill Loadholt's roster spot. Loadholt was hurt on the second play from scrimmage Saturday in an exhibition game.
"We'll be fine. Obviously, we're going to miss Phil. He's a great guy in the locker room. He's good on the field," coach Mike Zimmer said.

"My dad was very, very proud of me. I know that. He has told me that many times," Zimmer said. "I think my brother said at the funeral yesterday,Hockey Jerseys 2018 Cheap, one of the lines was that he never bragged about himself,Wholesale Football Jerseys, but if the air conditioner repairman was there, within one minute, he was telling him, 'My son is the head coach of the Vikings.'"
Goodin was undrafted out of NCAA Division II school Nebraska-Kearney in 2012. He spent parts of two years on the practice squad of the New York Giants, appearing in one regular-season game in 2013. Goodin was in camp last August with the Dallas Cowboys.
Outside linebacker Anthony Barr was back on the field Tuesday at full speed, and Zimmer said he'll get some plays in the game Saturday against Oakland. Barr,Wholesale Jerseys, who had offseason surgery on his left knee and has been dealing with some residual inflammation,NFL Jerseys 2018, didn't play in either of Minnesota's first two preseason games.
Bykowski has been out with a shoulder injury. Backup defensive tackle Shamar Stephen (knee), safety Antone Exum (unspecified), tight end MyCole Pruitt (ankle) and running back Adrian Peterson (thigh) were the others who didn't take part in practice Tuesday.
EDEN PRAIRIE, Minn. (AP) — The Vikings have placed right tackle Phil Loadholt on injured reserve, ending his season with a torn left Achilles tendon.

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