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China NFL Jerseys









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發表於 2017-12-16 10:51:17 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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"Practice at his age can be overrated sometimes," Arians said after the team's Friday workout.
The eight-time Pro Bowl wide receiver did not practice all week and was listed Friday as questionable for the NFC West contest that pits the 9-1 Cardinals against the 6-4 Seahawks.
Wide receiver is one of the deepest positions on the Arizona roster.
If Fitzgerald can't play, Arians said,Wholesale Jerseys 2018, "Jarron Brown, John Brown,China Jerseys NFL, Teddy Ginn, they'll all serve at his position."
Arians said it's possible the 31-year-old wide receiver could play despite missing the entire week of practice.
Fitzgerald said Thursday that he could play without practicing because he knows the game plan and is very familiar with the Seahawks.
Fitzgerald has played in 110 consecutive games,Cheap Jerseys Free Shipping, all but one of them as a starter. He's missed only four games in his 10-plus NFL seasons.
But all five wide receivers have made crucial plays in the Cardinals' best 10-game record since 1948. All of them except Ginn have touchdown receptions. Rookie John Brown has 34 catches for 468 yards and a team-high five touchdowns. Michael Floyd has caught 26 passes for 454 yards,Wholesale Baseball Jerseys 2018. He had two touchdown catches last week against the Lions.
"That's unbelievable," Arians said. "Knowing the warrior that he is he's probably played a lot of times when he shouldn't have just because he's going to do it for his teammates. And that mentality will be the same this Sunday I'm sure."
He has a sprained left MCL, injuring the knee in the first half of last Sunday's 14-6 win over Detroit. He came back in the second half and caught a pass for a first down in the final minutes that clinched the victory.
"I have no doubt in my mind," Ellington said, "that Jarron Brown will come out and have a big game."
Arians said the deciding factor at game time Sunday will be "just his ability to play at a certain level, not hurting us and being able to help us, because the other guys have had a regular week of practice and they're more than capable of picking it up for him."

Ellington is second on the team in receptions with 41 for 368 yards and two scores.
Jarron Brown's playing time will increase the most if Fitzgerald can't play.
TEMPE, Ariz. (AP) — Arizona coach Bruce Arians said it will be a game-time decision as to whether Larry Fitzgerald will play against the Seahawks in Seattle on Sunday.
And running back Andre Ellington often lines up at a wide receiver spot or catches passes out of the backfield,Cheap NHL Jerseys.
Fitzgerald,China Jerseys, holder of virtually every Cardinals receiving record, leads the team this season in receptions (46) and yards receiving (658).

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