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發表於 2017-12-16 12:06:52 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Once again the Cheekies family at ANSA McAL Trading Limited kept up the annual tradition of supporting Guyanese mothers on Christmas Day. Mothers who gave birth at hospitals in Georgetown all received a “Bundle of Joy” hamper.Nigel Dodson, Brand Co-ordinator,Cheap China Jerseys Authentic, ANSA McAL Trading Limited, in distributing the hampers said that it was his pleasure to celebrate with the new mothers. He also said that he sees the activity as an opportunity for the company to say thanks and give back to some of its customers.Dodson then proceeded to share out Cheekies hampers to all mothers of newborns. All hampers that were distributed contained at least 80 Cheekies Cloth Soft diapers and a Cheekies Growth Chart. Two extra large hampers with 140 diapers each were presented to the first boy and girl at Georgetown Public Hospital.Three mothers who gave birth at that facility were given hampers.  They are 24-year-old Natoya Narine,  of Melanie, East Coast Demerara, who gave birth to her second child, the first girl born on Christmas Day, at 00:05hrs;  Vanessa Rodrigues, 22, of Friendship, East Bank Demerara, who gave birth to her sixth child, the first boy born on Christmas Day, at 01:10 hrs, and 30-year-old Janice Sanasie, of Kuru Kururu Soesdyke/Linden Highway, who gave birth to her fifth child, a boy, at 06:17 hrs.Two mothers received hampers at the Medical Arts hospital: –    Annie Jagmohan, 29, of Grove, East Bank Demerara, gave birth to her second child, a boy, at 00:25 hrs, and 31-year-old Dr. Rhonda Moore, of Grove, East Bank Demerara, welcomed her first child, a boy, at 00:50hrs.In a separate donation, Marketing Manager Ronald Shepherd, for SAI Distributors handed out diaper hampers to mothers who gave birth on Boxing Day. Shepherd told Kaieteur News that emphasis is always placed on mothers who give birth on “Christmas Day”, so it was his entity’s decision to hand out the hampers on the other holiday. A total of ten mothers benefited from this initiative.

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