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The Guyana National Bureau of Standards cannot implement standards in isolation and therefore needs input from private and public companies,Cheap Jerseys From China, which are expected to operate in keeping with those principles.The Bureau would be engaging key stakeholders on February 20 to create awareness about its core programmes and the involvement and support required from the agencies in the implementation of standards.The session would focus on Guyana National Quality Infrastructure (GNQI), an initiative created for the smooth implementation of standards in various sectors of the economy; and the strategic direction for the Bureau over the next five years.This is according to Lloyd David, Public Relations Officer,Wholesale NBA Jerseys, who stated that the strategic session,Wholesale Authentic Jerseys, would be held at the Guyana International Conference Centre at 10:00 hrs.He related that participants would be educated on the critical elements of the GNQI,Authentic NFL Jerseys Cheap, and how it would influence their operations. The bureau would be the implementing body of the GNQI in Guyana to facilitate trade and economic development.David stated, “Regarding the GNQI, all standardizing bodies,Authentic NFL Jerseys From China, including the Bureau are required to review the legal and implementation frameworks for their quality infrastructure, based on the need to modernize in order to meet global trade requirements, while ensuring sustainability and the provision of acceptable service.”He added that the modernization of the regulatory bodies requires the re-engineering of processes, and the establishment of a National Quality infrastructure that is traceable to the International Quality Infrastructure.Though the GNQI,Wholesale China Jerseys, is centered on the Bureau, it is further decentralized across several key sector agencies and Ministries, including the Government Analysts Food and Drug Department, the Geology and Mines Commission, the Chambers of Commerce, the Private Sector Commission and the Ministries of Health, Agriculture, Natural Resources and the Environment,China Jerseys, and Tourism, Industry and Commerce, David stated.He stressed that only with the support of these stakeholders would the true benefits and impact of standardization be realized in Guyana’s economy.

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