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發表於 2017-12-16 14:05:47 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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…doctors thought he could not make itSomdat Persaud,Wholesale NFL Jerseys, a 20-year-old labourer of Number 60 Village, Corentyne, is now paralysed and even unable to talk. The young man was admitted to the New Amsterdam Hospital after doctors at the Georgetown Public Hospital had reportedly given up on him.Somdat was reportedly beaten by his brother, 24-year-old Roopchand Persaud, and Roopchand’s father-in-law on October 8 last, at a birthday celebration at Roopchand father-in-law’s residence at Number 58 Village, Corentyne.Somdat PersaudAccording to Somdat’s two other brothers who were by his bedside, Roopchand invited the young man to the birthday celebration.  Somdat accompanied by two friends went to the activity and during the celebration a misunderstanding developed. He was severely beaten and left unconscious on the road.  His two friends managed to escape.He was picked up and taken home before being taken to the Skeldon Hospital. He was then transferred to the New Amsterdam Hospital. Because of the seriousness of his condition he was transferred to the Georgetown Public Hospital on October 10, last. He was discharged on October 14.His brother, Mahesh, who flew in from Trinidad after receiving the news of his brother’s misfortune, stated that his brother was so badly beaten that he has brain damage.He could not have opened his eyes and has lost feelings on the left side (arms and legs). He had tubes attached to his body.According to relatives the doctors told them that they could not do anything for Somdat and that the relatives should take him back to the New Amsterdam Hospital.However, upon his return to the New Amsterdam hospital, he started to regain consciousness. His eyes opened and he started to move his feet. He still cannot speak but he has started to eat a bit.The relatives are wondering why the doctors at the Georgetown Public Hospital gave him up without making much effort. They are wondering about the medical situation in Guyana.In the meanwhile Roopchand has been remanded while his father-in-law is on the run.  The brothers stated that they never had any problems before and three of them including Roopchand, his wife and child, are living with their mother at the Number 60 Village home. They all worked together.

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