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發表於 2017-12-16 15:57:31 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式
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The education sector is in a better position today to yield exceptional results, a state of affairs which is premised on the move by the Education Ministry to ensure that more teachers are produced with an advanced level of qualification.This observation was recently made by President of the Guyana Teachers Union (GTU), Colin Bynoe, who was at the time alluding to the decrease in the timeframe in which teachers are now able to complete the Bachelors of Art in Education (B.Ed) at the University of Guyana (UG).GTU President,Cheap Authentic Jerseys, Colin BynoePreviously, completing the programme spanned a period of seven years but according to Project Coordinator of the Guyana Improving Teacher Education Project (GITEP), Mr Tota Mangar, the programme has since been reduced to four years.This, according to him, would translate to the trainee teachers undertaking two years of the Associate Degree in Education (ADE) programme at the Cyril Potter College of Education (CPCE) and another two years to complete the B.Ed at UG.This therefore means that teachers will no longer be vying for the Class One, Grade One Certificate but rather they would be moving to an advanced stage which, according to Bynoe, will enable them to secure a degree in a short period.“This means that more teachers could be getting into the classroom with a higher level of training than what was obtained years ago,” said Bynoe, who is confident that the outcome of such a tactic will realise only good results for the education sector.“I envisage this will help to make the output (of the school system) much better,” asserted the GTU President even as he noted that there is need to direct more attention to Reading, Writing and Arithmetic.“There was so much focus on that back in the day but if we get those things right there will be no more problem. It is believed that the primary schools are not properly preparing children for the secondary schools,” said Bynoe.“The basic problem is that too many of our children are reaching third and fourth forms without knowing to read. We need to make sure we correct that.” The strategic move by the Ministry to have more highly qualified teachers in the classroom is a laudable one, he added.He however cautioned that the anticipated results will only be realised if the newly qualified teachers are properly mentored and they embrace enthusiasm and dedication for the teaching career.The start of the ongoing academic year saw UG accepting its first batch of ADE graduates from CPCE into its B.Ed programme.In 2011the Education Ministry through GITEP made the decision to introduce a two-year ADE programme at CPCE which is so designed to allow students to move directly onto UG to complete the third and fourth years of the B.Ed programme.However, although the avenue is available for teachers to complete training in a shorter period, Mangar noted that teachers are not obligated to proceed to UG immediately after completing the ADE.“Teachers can go back into the school system after completing the Associate Degree or if they want, they can continue the training…the option is there for them to choose,” said Mangar.

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