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發表於 2017-12-16 17:21:07 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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—stresses importance of technology in education systemContinuous research on issues affecting the education sector in Guyana is one that members of theGTU President,Mr. Mark LyteGuyana Teachers Union (GTU) have been urged to embrace. This notion was emphasized recently by GTU President, Mr. Mark Lyte, at the Union’s recently concluded biennial conference in Bartica.At that forum he disclosed that the limited research undertaken by the GTU is certainly inadequate for the kind of contribution needed for the formulation of relevant and pertinent education policies in Guyana. He, moreover,nfl jerseys authentic china, underscored that having research done in this regard continues to be a challenge that must be reversed.“We cannot leave this up to the Government and Central Ministry. Research is meant to inform on educational trends and practices and therefore must be considered as an important armoury to The Guyana Teachers’ Union. We need to look for topical educational issues to research that affect the teaching/learning process so that best practices can be noted and implemented,” Lyte asserted.According to him too, there is a dire need for the Union to develop a sense of true comradery. He underscored that the Union for too long has been divided by the opinions of pockets of its membership. And over the biennium, he informed,Wholesale China Jerseys, many setbacks were encountered due mainly to the selfish positions put forward by some of its members.But according to him, “This Union is bigger that our own self gain and desire and therefore we must not continue to shoot ourselves in the foot. We must stand as one and learn the art of ‘agree to disagree’. The work of this union can be better if we work harmoniously to achieve our goals and objectives.”The Union has 39 branches spread across the country. But, according to Lyte, branches must become more active.He pointed out that there are too many figureheads in the various branches who do not serve the teachers that place them there. In fact,Cheap NHL Jerseys, he added, branches are starved of information emanating from General Council Meetings.This, according to him, has led to unfounded speculations by ranking file members who choose to speculate because they do not have the facts.“As we go forward,Discount Football Jerseys, let us feed the people we represent with information so that their capacity can be built,” added Lyte. And according to him,NFL Jerseys Authentic Cheap, “The building of our website will certainly aid the process of dissemination of information. This site is nearing completion and will serve to enable members to get first hand news on GTU, retrieve documents,wholesale nfl jerseys, make applications, etc. We must embrace technology if we are to advance the work of GTU,” added Lyte.Moreover, he added that the Ministry of Education’s move to include Information Communication Technology (ICT) into the system to remain compatible with 21st century practices in Education is a welcomed one.He noted that while this move has taken a long time, “I am sure it is better later, than never.” He added, “Our teachers need continuous professional help organized by the Education Ministry so that they can embrace the decision to take to utilize technology in Education delivery and record keeping.”“Guyana Teachers’ Union certainly welcomes the move where schools can upload students’ data and performances. While GTU embraces this move we are concern that some Central and Regional Education Officials do not share the same objective. They continue to demand paper and hand written reports, schemes of work, etc. The time has come for everyone to be on board with the same objective and mind set,” said Lyte.

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