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Wholesale NFL Jerseys









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發表於 2017-12-16 18:54:59 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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"It's hard to swallow when you do things like that," Walker said. "You think you should win the game at the end of the day. Finishing the game, that's what we're not doing so well."

The Titans' first three losses last season came by the margin of 16, 25 and 24 points. Then came a 29-28 loss to Cleveland when they blew a 25-point lead. Now they've blown double-digit leads in consecutive games and haven't won on their own field in a year, a skid that reached seven straight after failing to protect a 10-point lead in losing 14-13 to Buffalo.
The Titans are running out of time. They have two games left on a four-game home stand that wrapped around their bye,Cheap NFL Jerseys China; Miami (1-3) comes to town Sunday with an interim head coach in Dan Campbell. Then they host the undefeated Atlanta Falcons (5-0) before playing three of four on the road in November.
The Titans have outscored opponents 38-7 in the third quarter, yet they've been outscored 42-16 in the final 15 minutes. Left tackle Taylor Lewan said each player must look at himself in the mirror and make sure they're doing what they can to help the team win. For a second straight day, Lewan said he must cut out his own penalties.
Whisenhunt said Lewan can do that by keeping his hands out of the opponent's face,Cheap Jerseys China.
But the Titans are frustrated, unable to make the winning play or two to seal a victory. And as a result, Tennessee is once again 1-3 — just like last year when the Titans were on their way to a 2-14 finish.
Center Brian Schwenke said after the game that the Titans need to change their mindset after losing so many games and that they simply need to expect to win at all times.
But the second-year lineman also said no one is shutting down yet with so many games left to play.
It all seems to add up that things are heading in the right direction.
Tight end Delanie Walker noted the Titans held the ball for more than 35 minutes against Buffalo. Yet they also were flagged nine times for 62 yards and gave up yet another big play after pinning the Bills at third-and-23 at their own 7.
"We need a win," Whisenhunt said Monday. "That's what we need, and we got to continue to work until we get one. I think you can't ignore the fact that we're close,Wholesale Jerseys China, but close and $4 will get you a cup of coffee. ... We got to get over the hump. We got to win a game. And I think once we do that,Jerseys Wholesale, that's really going to put us on the right course."
Tennessee has lost 17 of its last 20 games since Whisenhunt was hired. The last two were among the most painful with the Titans coming up short by a combined three points.
Rookie Marcus Mariota also ranks 10th among quarterbacks with a 99.7 passer rating.
The sooner the better.
"We have so much more time," Lewan said. "We can either sit here and whine about it and cry about it and hear all the criticism, or we can get back to work and we've got to win a game. And when we win one,Wholesale Jerseys From China, we've got to keep going off that."
NASHVILLE,Wholesale NFL Jerseys, Tenn. (AP) — Everyone knows losing hurts, and the pain is mounting for Ken Whisenhunt and his Titans.
Whisenhunt can point to a bunch of statistics and argue the Titans (1-3) are much improved in his second season. The Titans are tied for the best time of possession in the NFL, holding the ball an average of 34 minutes, 18 seconds per game. They have the league's stingiest passing defense, giving up only 166.5 yards per game.
"Go out there and make the plays, take charge and win the game," Schwenke said.

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