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發表於 2017-12-16 19:52:21 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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The newborn boy who was rescued from a bushy yard, hours after his mother’s death, remains in stable condition.Sources at the Davis Memorial Hospital said that the newborn did not appear to have any health problems.It is unclear how long he will remain at the private facility.Kaieteur News understands that the child’s father, Tony Jones, visited the institution yesterday to see his son.Neville Corbin,Wholesale Jerseys Free Shipping, the neighbour who found the child, estimates that the newborn was left exposed to the elements for at least three hours before being rescued from a clump of bushes.“I was never surprised (that he survived); that baby come to live,” he declared yesterday.The mother, known only as Sharon, was found dead in her Lot 674 Section ‘D’, South Sophia home on Tuesday evening.Volda Nurse, a close friend of the woman told Kaieteur News that she last saw Sharon alive at around 07:30 hrs on Tuesday while taking her children to school. Ms. Nurse said that Sharon did not appear to be unwell and even called out to her.According to Nurse, Sharon’s nine-year-old daughter came home from school that afternoon and saw her mother lying in her bedroom. It is unclear whether the woman had died then.The daughter reportedly left for her father’s workplace and returned at around 18:45 hrs.Ms. Nurse said that this time, the daughter contacted an elderly neighbour, and the woman and Nurse went over to Sharon’s home.Nurse told Kaieteur News that she immediately observed blood at the entrance of the front door. She said they followed the trail of blood to a bedroom, and on entering it, saw Sharon’s nude body in a pool of blood on the floor.Nurse said that her immediate assumption was that her friend had killed herself. The woman said she observed that Sharon’s stomach was flat but that there was no sign of the baby.Kaieteur News understands that the dead woman’s husband, Tony Jones, eventually arrived. He reportedly informed police at the Turkeyen Police Station about his wife’s death.Residents claimed that no police ranks went to the scene, but a hearse eventually arrived and took the woman’s body away.Neville Corbin told Kaieteur News that he immediately began enquiring about the newborn’s whereabouts after learning that the mother had died.“When I find out that she dead, I say ‘what happen to the baby?’ I say check in the toilet, the fridge… When the husband come I gave him a torchlight and we start search.”He said that the hearse eventually arrived and removed the body but still they had not located the baby.“After the hearse leave the father say that he hearing cries (in the yard)Using flashlights, the men began to scour the yard, which is overgrown with bushes.“I peep down and see the baby lying sideways. A next boy come and take a sheet off the fence and hold the baby.”A Kaieteur News reporter, accompanied by a female neighbour, immediately took the child to the Davis Memorial Hospital.The baby was immediately placed in an incubator and given oxygen.

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