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Jerseys From China









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發表於 2017-12-16 19:52:52 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Many of those teammates were at Lambeau on Saturday and witnessed an overwhelmingly warm reception for Favre from the Packers faithful.

About the only thing that could have made the weekend even better for Favre was if the game was at Lambeau. Organizers have said that a scheduling conflict and the proximity to the start of training camp in less than two weeks prevented that stadium from being used.
It was the culmination of a momentous weekend back in Wisconsin for Favre. He returned to Green Bay to have his jersey retired by the Packers on Saturday, the same night he was inducted into the franchise's Hall of Fame.
"I think it made him a little at peace to come back and to get it done," said Favre's brother, Scott, who also played in the flag football game. "There's been that little feeling in there of animosity,Cheap China Jerseys Authentic, people think,Cheap NFL Jerseys China, on both sides — but coming back I think it eased him a little bit."
Tired from a busy weekend, Favre was ready to return home to Mississippi and relax.
The event marked the emotional end to a long reconciliation between Favre and the Packers. Sunday was all about having fun at Camp Randall Stadium on the University of Wisconsin campus,Cheap Jerseys Free Shipping.
"I'd like to do it in Green Bay someday. I would think everyone would," Favre said. "Again,NFL Jerseys Outlet, it's not about seeing Super Bowl-type football. It's just seeing some old faces and to do it in Green Bay would be awesome."
Later in the drive, on fourth-and-19, Favre threw a bullet of a pass that bounced off the hands of receiver Antonio Freeman.
Just like nearly two decades ago, Favre celebrated with Andre Rison, the two jumping into each other to bump shoulders. Favre, Levens, Freeman and Rison were teammates on the 1996 Packers team that won the Super Bowl.
MADISON, Wis. (AP) — Brett Favre can still zip a pass into tight spaces.
"Obviously we were not here to watch stellar football, but it was really awesome to be back with the guys,Jerseys NFL Wholesale," Favre said after the game at midfield.
Known for his gunslinger approach, Favre didn't waste time showing off his right arm. On his first snap, Favre pumped right, then threw a deep pass about 30 yards to his left that fell out of reach of former teammate Javon Walker.
"I had to get adjusted to catching that Brett Favre fastball again. It was amazing," said Freeman, dripping with sweat on a sunny afternoon.
"I have to admit, I'm worn out just from the emotions," Favre said. "Yesterday was absolutely amazing, and then to get out here and have a little fun with the guys,Cheap NFL Jerseys China, relive some old days and good times — it was a lot of fun."
When his defense was on the field, Favre spent time laughing and catching up with former teammates such as running back Dorsey Levens on the sideline. The two connected on a roughly 40-yard catch-and-run for a score for Levens.
Now if his receivers were back in their prime, ol' No. 4 might have had a few more completions Sunday at his charity flag football game.
Favre's team of former Packers beat a group of notable retired NFL players 38-32.
It was all just for fun, of course. There are no more NFL comebacks for the 45-year-old quarterback.

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