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發表於 2017-12-16 19:56:44 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Wilkerson acknowledged that his situation is "a little frustrating," but gave "no consideration" to staging a holdout this summer. His decision wasn't surprising, considering he stood to lose $30,Cheap NBA Jerseys China,000 per day of camp he skipped,Cheap Jerseys Store, per the league's collective bargaining agreement. But he also said his standing on the Jets was also a factor.
"This is going to be the first and last day that I answer questions about my contract,China Jerseys NFL," Wilkerson said.
Wilkerson didn't go into detail about what the type of deal, in terms of money, he is seeking from the Jets.

Wilkerson sat out all of the Jets' voluntary workouts during the offseason,Wholesale NFL Store, sending a clear message to the front office that he's unhappy with his current deal. He attended mandatory minicamp, but it wasn't entirely certain he would show for training camp until he joined his teammates in reporting to the team's facility Wednesday.
That means a new deal would either come before the start of the regular season or not until next offseason, when Wilkerson could become a free agent. He's entering the fifth and final year of his rookie deal, and is due to make $6.97 million this season.
"I'm going to focus on the season," Wilkerson said after practice. "It's my job to go out and be competitive with my teammates and get ready for games on Sundays. Worrying about contract situation, that's a distraction for myself,Cheap NHL Jerseys China, as well as my teammates."
The 25-year-old defensive end has 24½ sacks, a safety, seven forced fumbles and 14 passes defensed in his first four NFL seasons.
Contracts signed this offseason by fellow defensive linemen Cameron Jordan and Corey Liuget — like Wilkerson, first-round picks in the 2011 draft — could serve as a blueprint for both sides. Jordan received a new deal from New Orleans that includes $34 million in guarantees, and Liuget got $30 million guaranteed from San Diego.
"I'm one of the leaders on this team, and it's the start of training camp,Wholesale Baseball Jerseys 2018," Wilkerson said. "My job is to get out here with my teammates and get ready for the season."
FLORHAM PARK, N.J. (AP) — Muhammad Wilkerson is frustrated and still wants a big payday. Until then, though, the New York Jets defensive end is keeping his contract situation off the field.
Wilkerson practiced with his teammates Thursday as the Jets opened training camp — despite seeking a long-term extension.
"Hopefully something happens," Wilkerson said. "I hope something is done. I guess you've got to ask (the Jets' front office) how they feel about things."

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