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Wholesale Jerseys China who are suspected to have carried out the attacks









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發表於 2017-12-16 20:40:55 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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By Michael JordanThe revelation that the gunning down of two men this year and recent attacks around the city were executed with firearms that were never identified before has raised speculation that a new breed of gunmen is now preying on the society.Not so,Wholesale NBA Jerseys, say some police ranks, who believe that they are just other members of one of the notorious gangs that have been around for some time.According to the police, recent ballistics tests have shown a connection between the execution-style killing of 45-year-old Lawrence Drakes in January 8, 2008; the slaying of Arjune Narine, in Durey Lane, Campbellville, and attacks on Police Headquarters,Authentic Jerseys Cheap, Eve Leary, Buddy’s Pool Hall in Sheriff Street and Ministry of Culture, Youth and Sports.Lawrence Drakes, called ‘FC’ of Lot 16 Bel Air Road, Lamaha Gardens, was shot dead outside his Merriman Mall internet café in January.Eyewitnesses said that the two gunmen had tried to force Drakes into a dark-blue Toyota Carina that was parked in Church Street, but shot him when he refused to go with them.Police retrieved four 5.56 x 45 shells (used in the Bushmaster, M15 and M16 rifles) from that scene.They have since said that these shells matched similar caliber shells that were found in Durey Lane on May 14 after Arjune Narine was killed.Nine 7.62 x 39 calibre spent shells (used in the M70 and AK47 assault rifles) were also found at Durey Lane and Middleton Street.According to the police,Cheap NFL Jerseys China, these shells matched two other shells that were found on February 12, 2008, in the Buddy’s Pool Hall Car Park area on Sheriff Street (when gunmen shot up a vehicle and made off with a sum of money); and five spent shells found at the scene of the attack on Police Headquarters, Eve Leary on January 25, 2008. Police also said that twenty-one 5.56 x 45 calibre spent shells were found after gunmen fired several shots on May 16 at the Ministry of Youth and Culture.These, police said,Cheap Jerseys China, matched the shells of similar caliber that were found in Merriman Mall and in Durey Lane,NFL Jerseys Cheap China, where Drakes and Arjune were slain.The motives for the killing of Drakes and Arjune are unclear and opinions appear to differ as to which gang is responsible for these attacks.According to police sources, an individual whom police suspect to be a paid hit-man was arrested and questioned several times about Drakes’ death but was never charged. According to one investigator, this individual is a close associate of a gunman who police have linked to several brutal killings around the country.“This is the same gang,Wholesale Baseball Jerseys 2018,” the investigator said. “It is just that these men (who are suspected to have carried out the attacks) have never been identified before.”However, another investigator opined that these shootings might be the work of another rival gang, which surfaced after the crime wave.He pointed out that while one gang appeared to be repeatedly using the same weapons, this other gang seldom used the same firearms.Hence, police have seldom found matching shells at the scenes of attacks that were suspected to have been carried out by this gang.

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