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發表於 2017-12-16 21:52:44 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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A mentally-ill man was found dead in a flat in the gated community of D’Aguiar Park, East Bank Demerara, at around 20.00 hrs yesterday, after going berserk and attacking his brother-in-law with a knife and hammer.Amrindeo Singh, a 32-year-old Indian national, was found in a room in the bottom flat of the Trisket Square, D’Aguiar Park home with his body bearing multiple stab wounds. While a sister who witnessed the attack suggested that he took his own life, police say that they are treating the incident as a murder.His brother-in-law, identified as 38-year-old Harkirat Singh, sustained stab wounds to the neck and face, and also suffered a laceration to the back of the head. His condition is listed as stable.Police recovered a hammer and a knife near the front door.The slain man’s sister, who witnessed the first stages of the attack, said that her brother was schizophrenic,Cheap NFL Jerseys China, and that he had recently threatened to kill family members and take his own life.  She blamed staff at the Georgetown Public Hospital for ignoring pleas to have him admitted for psychiatric treatment.According to reports, the sister was feeding the couple’s small son, while her husband sat at a dining room table, when the mentally-ill man sneaked up behind his brother-in-law and struck him with a hammer. He reportedly then began to stab the injured man.Neighbours were alerted to the attack when they heard the wife’s screaming and saw her run out of the house with her small son.“She was saying help me…help me…Ashook (the brother) and Harry fighting,” a resident said.On entering the yard, residents reportedly saw Harkirat Singh, the husband, sitting at the front door entrance, and bleeding profusely from wounds to the neck and face. A resident remembered staunching the blood and then assisting in taking the injured man to the hospital.Residents said that the family has been living in D’Aguiar Park for some six years. According to one report, Amrindeo Singh became mentally unstable in India, after sustaining on-the-job injuries.He was reportedly recently employed at an East Coast Demerara location.  But his sister said that his mental condition recently deteriorated and he began to threaten family members with violence.She alleged that the brother, while armed with a knife, had jumped the fence about a week ago and threatened to kill everyone in the family and take his own life. She said that relatives took him to the Georgetown Public Hospital and begged a staffer at the Emergency Unit to have him hospitalised.However, family members were reportedly told that Amrindeo Singh’s condition did not warrant him being admitted to the Psychiatric Ward.Residents who lived in D’Aguiar Park for several years said that they could not recall any other such violent occurrence in the community.

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