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發表於 2017-12-16 21:55:45 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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CHARLOTTE, N.C. (AP) — The father of Tampa Bay cornerback C.J. Wilson told a Charlotte television station that his son lost two fingers in a July 4 fireworks accident.
Lincoln sheriff's Lt. William Brooks said he and others from his department also responded to the scene and saw blood inside the vehicle.
Caskey didn't have details about Wilson's injury,Cheap NFL Jerseys China.
Maj.  Lee Caskey of the Lincoln County sheriff's office said there was no call for an ambulance or emergency medical care that night,China NFL Jerseys, though a fire department and the sheriff's office were eventually called to a hospital where Wilson had been taken for treatment.
In an email to The Associated Press, Burgin said hospital staff put out a fire in the vehicle's trunk with extinguishers. Firefighters later arrived, removed "a smoldering pair of pants" from the trunk and "used water to completely extinguish" the pants.
Wilson was injured near his hometown of Lincolnton, North Carolina. He played at North Carolina State and has appeared in four NFL games over two seasons, two coming last year with the Bucs.
Curtis Wilson Sr.,Cheap NFL Jerseys China, appearing on WBTV, said the fireworks did not pop out of the canister when they exploded.
"There's not any kind of criminal investigation or anything going on into it," Brooks said. "It all appears to be just a bad accident."
The Buccaneers had confirmed that Wilson injured one of his hands in the July 4 accident. And his agent also told ESPN the incident involved fireworks.

Boger City Fire Department Chief Mitch Burgin said firefighters responded to a report of a fire in a car parked at the hospital that night,Wholesale Jerseys USA, though it was out by the time they arrived.
Wilson's injury was the second accident involving an NFL player over the Independence Day weekend,Cheap NFL Jerseys. New York Giants defensive end Jason Pierre-Paul also is recovering from injuries from an incident involving fireworks.
In a statement Wednesday,Cheap Jerseys, the team said its "primary concern at this moment is for his long-term health."

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